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This article, The Elemental Stones (TES), is property of Thesharkboy1.

TES Cover

The TES: cover (made by Girlyball).


The TES: prologue cover (made by Girlyball).

TES Origins Cover

TES: Origins cover (Made by Girlyball.)

The Elemental Stones, or TES, is a superhero story about a hero team called "The Elemental Stones", written by Thesharkboy1.

They're loved by all and ensure the safety of the entire planet.

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Thesharkboy - Water Elemental Hero
The Timer - Time Elemental Hero
Rocky - Rock Elemental Hero
Windy - Air/Wind Elemental Hero
(Lightning Hero Name) - Lightning Elemental Hero
Drago - Fire Elemental Hero

Super Villains[]

Dasharkboi - Dark Water Elemental Stone
(Dark Stone Villain Name) - Dark Elemental Stone
(Portal Stone Villain Name) - Portal Elemental Stone



(Click "Expand" to read the prologue)>

Long, Long time ago exactly 1,592 years ago.

There was wizards of each Elements

1. Water

2. Fire

3. Earth

4. Wind

5. Time

And some others.

These wizards made stones of great powers.

The wizards scattered the stones around the world…

1,592 years later…

Chapter 1:[]

(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>

Kris runs on the beach.

Kris: What a nice day.

Kris goes in the water to swim. And saw a Shine in the Water.

Kris In mind: What's that shining in the water?

When Kris was swimming in the water then found a cave.

Kris In Mind: Oh? A cave?

Kris goes into the cave. And saw a Blue Stone with the symbol of Water on it on the Cave ground.

Kris: What is this place? And what is that rock?

Kris goes to the Stone, and Time stopped for a moment, while the Stone went straight to Kris’s Heart.

Kris: Uugh.

Kris started to wake up and looked at his hands.

Kris: W-why is my hand… Blue?

Kris gets up and runs to the Water.

Kris: W-WHY AM I BLUE???!!! What in the world is going on??

Kris went back to the beach by swimming in the water.

Kris: Man, it’s late.

Kris runs to his house. And went to his Computer to look up β€œWeird Blue Stone”.

Kris: Come on! Come on! I must find something.

Kris keeps strolling, then finds a weird website, and clicks the website.

???: Hello there, if you see this video means you have one of the Elemental Stones. The Elemental Stones are Stones of great Elemental Powers. You and the other Elemental Stones Users now have to try to find other Elemental Stones Users.

Kris: Wait, what?? But… How do I even find the others? If these Stones have some sort of powers, then… These Stones must have some powers to find the others.

???: If you are wondering β€œBut… How do I even find the others? If these Stones have some sort of powers, then… These Stones must have some powers to find the others.” Well, I have news for you, you can not. You have to find them yourself with no power needed, well… Since I’m recording on my Magical Orb I have three minutes left, bye Kris.

Kris: That was a weird vi… Wait… HOW DID THEY KNEW MY NAME?!?!

  • The Next Day*

Kris is still in his Hero suit waking up.

Kris: Was that… A dream? Well… It had to be… Right? Yea, only if magic was real. Anyways, I’m just gonna get dressed.

Kris goes to the mirror and sees himself with his eyes wided.

Kris: I… Don’t remember buying this… Costume…?

Kris goes to his bed thinking about the β€œDream”

Kris In Mind: Was that really not a Dream, well… I can’t prove that the whole β€œPowers” thing is actually a thing, since I witnessed no powers in use.

Kris decided to go out of his house with his Hero Suit still on, since he for some reason can’t take it off.

Random boy #1: whispering: What is with the Costume? Yelling: It’s not Halloween! Haha!

Random Little Girl: Hey, look mommy, he has a weird costume on!

Random Mom: Yea, don’t look at him in the eyes sweetie.

Kris is getting a lot of weird looks from other people.

Kris In Mind: Maybe this was a mistake…

???: It’s the time… Perfect… *Smiles*

While Kris is just trying to relax on the Park’s Bench sitting with his friends.

Trevor: Umm, Kris, why do you have that weird Costume on?

Kris: I don’t know, I just found a weird looking rock in a Water Cave. Then I was told by a weird wizard looking guy that I had β€œPowers” of such.

Trevor and Windy and Steven looked at each other, and then laughed.

Trevor: Pfft, what? Did a Wizard break into your house which said you were a Wizard, Haha!

Windy: Haha, yea and said that to control your β€œPowers” is to attend a Wizard School, Haha!

Steven: And… And… I have no clue what they are talking about…

Kris: *Sighs* This isn’t some kind of book or Story of some sort, this real life, now serious, help me guys. I don’t know how to get out of this Costume.

Kris’s friends: Fiiine.

Trevor: What about… A secret word?

Kris is trying to think of a secret word to deactivate the Suit.

Kris: Open sesame!

Trevor: *Sighs* This isn’t a door to be opened. Wait, what time is it? I forgot my watch again.

Windy looks at her watch.

Windy: It’s 4:30 PM.

Trevor: Oh Crap! I need to go, I need to pick out a Clock for dad. Cya!

Windy, Steven, and Kris: Cya.

Trevor walks to the nearest Clock Store.

Steven: Well… I need to rock climb on TSBY Mountain if that’s the time, I promised my parents that I would go today.

Steven runs to the TSBY Mountain.

Windy: And, I need to skydive, it’ll be my first time, I’m so nervous.

Windy runs to the Airport to skydive.

Trevor, Steven, and Windy have now left Kris to find out how to deactivate his Suit.

Kris: Uugh, what great friends they are, whatever, I’ll have to figure this out myself.

Burglar: Give me your purse! Or I will kill you!

Everyone gasped and ran away from the Burglar. Kris then realized that this is the perfect time to see if his power was legit or not.

Kris: Stop right there!

Burglar looks at Kris while laughing.

Burglar: What are you gonna do, hm?

Kris holds his hands out and nothing happens.

Kris: … So… Seen any good movies recently? Hehe…

Burglar attacked Kris and Kris dodged and Kris formed a Solid Water Sword to block the Burglar’s knife. And the Burglar somehow had Dark Magic.

Kris: What the??

Kris knocked him out without killing him.

Kris: That was weird… Maybe seeing things…

Kris turns around and while he has his back on the Burglar’s body, a black mist comes out of his body and goes straight to a strange man in black who is smirking.

???: Ooooo~ This is gonna be fun, hehehehe~

Kris: Wait... What if… Water Stone Deactivated!

Kris’s suit deactivates and his powers with his suit aren't usable right now.

Kris: Finally, sheesh. But, I guess that weird wizard guy wasn’t lying.

Kris decided to go back to his house after a long day. A… Weird day…

Kris: Finally, back in my normal clothes, but… That was actually fun not gonna lie.

Chapter 2:[]

(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>
  • Ring, Ring*

Trevor’s eyes opened a bit.

  • Ring Ring*

Trevor picked up the phone.

Trevor: Yes?

Kris on the other side of the phone: Hey, Trevor can you come over to the Bench?

Trevor: *Sighs* I guess.

Trevor hangs up the phone and started to walk out of his house and walks to the Bench.

Trevor: Kris?

Trevor: Umm, Kris, why do you have that weird Costume on?

Kris: I don’t know, I just found a weird looking rock in a Water Cave. Then I was told by a weird wizard looking guy that I had β€œPowers” of such.

Trevor and Windy and Steven looked at each other, and then laughed.

Trevor: Pfft, what? Did a Wizard break into your house which said you were a Wizard, Haha!

Windy: Haha, yea and said that to control your β€œPowers” is to attend a Wizard School, Haha!

Steven: And… And… I have no clue what they are talking about…

Kris: *Sighs* This isn’t some kind of book or Story of some sort, this real life, now serious, help me guys. I don’t know how to get out of this Costume.

Kris’s friends: Fiiine.

Trevor: What about… A secret word?

Kris is trying to think of a secret word to deactivate the Suit.

Kris: Open sesame!

Trevor: *Sighs* This isn’t a door to be opened. Wait, what time is it? I forgot my watch again.

Windy looks at her watch.

Windy: It’s 4:30 PM.

Trevor: Oh Crap! I need to go, I need to pick out a Clock for dad. Cya!

Windy, Steven, and Kris: Cya.

Trevor went to the Clock Store and seeing all of the Clocks. But, then seeing a Clock shines a bit.

Trevor: What the?

As Trevor Reaches for the shines, then he tripped backwards, then time stopped as Trevor is falling and The Time Stone goes straight to Trevor’s heart. And Trevor found himself not tripped.

Trevor: Huh? What happened?

The Cashier of the Store is looking at Trevor weirdly.

Cashier: It’s not halloween, can you take off that costume, because I don’t want to see another Cosplayer.

Trevor In Mind: Hm? What costume?

Trevor looks down and sees that his hands is Black. Why are my hands pitched black?

Cashier: Come on, get out of the Clock Store, we do not serve Cosplayers.

Trevor: Okay, okay.

Trevor gets out of the Store, still confused about what happened.

Trevor: I have to know what happened.

Trevor checks his phone and tries to find out what’s going on. And found a weird video that he tapped on.

???: Hello there, if you see this video means you have one of the Elemental Stones. The Elemental Stones are Stones of great Elemental Powers. You and the other Elemental Stones Users now have to try to find other Elemental Stones Users.

Trevor just stood there and watched the video.

???: Anyways, I wish you good luck, Trevor.

Trevor: That… Was weird, anyways I guess Kris was actually telling the truth. Well… Now I feel dumb, but… I don’t even know my powers tho…

Trevor is going to his house, till he gets stopped by a Random Person.

Random Boy: Hey, do you know what time it is?

Trevor: The time?

That the time shows up.

Trevor: Uhh, it’s… 4:30.

Random Boy: Thanks man!

The random person runs away from Trevor to his house, while Trevor gets to his house. All night Trevor practices his Powers and stuff.

  • Next Day*
  • Beep, Beep* *Beep, Beep*

Trevor starts to wake up…

  • Beep, Beep* *Beep, Beep*

Trevor: Huh? *Looks at the Alarm Clock* OH CRAP!

Trevor gets dressed and runs out of his bedroom.

Trevor’s mom: Want some breakfast before school hun?

Trevor didn’t pay attention to his mom and ran out of the house and to the school.

Trevor: Out of breath: I… I can’t believe.. That.. I’m late..

Trevor finally got to the school and in his classroom.

Teacher: Ahh, Trevor, you're late.

Trevor: Yea, sorry, I was ju-

Teacher: Don’t care, go have your seat.

Trevor sighs and goes to his seat. And as time passed, Trevor fell asleep from staying up all night, though he only had two hours of sleeping.

Trevor: Zzzzz… Huh?

While Trevor was sleeping, there was some screaming in the school.

Trevor: Huh? Trevor starts to wake up and wonders what is going on.

Trevor: Teach, what’s going on?

Teacher: We’re being attacked..

While Trevor is in his seat, the cashier from TES Clock Store sees Trevor and runs up to Trevor to stab him.

Trevor: Crap, Time Stone Activate!

Trevor’s Stone activated and Trevor then stopped the time for the cashier.

Trevor: That was a close one.

Everyone sees Trevor in his Hero Suit.

Schoolboy 1: Trevor? What’s going on?

Schoolboy 2: Yea, why do yo-

Trevor quickly stopped time so nobody else questions about it.

Trevor: Crap, I’ll just try to go back in time and modify the time a bit.

Trevor went back in time and searched to see why he acted the way he did. Then he went to TES Clock Store and saw the cashier with a Dark Mysterious Person.

Trevor: Who… Who is that?

Trevor goes to the Dark Mysterious Person and brings the Dark Mysterious Person to Antarctica using β€œTime Speed”. And set him in front of a Penguin and the Dark Mysterious Person accidentally took control over the Penguin while Trevor is back at the school out of his Hero Suit.

???: What??? NO!!! What happened?!

Teacher: Okay class, we’ll be talking about…

  • After School*

Trevor walks out of School out of breath still after sending that weird Dark Mysterious Person to Antarctica. And Steven ran up to Trevor.

Steven: Hey man, why do you look so out of breath?

Trevor: I ran from Home to School.

Steven: Oh? Okay, well I have a problem that I need help with…

Chapter 3:[]

(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>

Steven walks to the bench he spends time with his friends everyday, and while he walks to the bench, he is stopped by his sister.

Steven’s Sister: Where do you think you're going brother?

Steven’s Sister is a bit overprotective even for being a 12 years olds.

Steven: Going to the bench, hehe..

Steven’s Sister: *Sighs* Fine, be home by dinner Brother!

Steven’s Sister runs back to the house smiling. And Steven continues on his way to the Bench.

When Steven gets to the Bench, he sees a blue figure.

Steven: Who are you?

Kris: It’s me Kris.

Trevor: Oh yea, I have to ask you something Kris.

Kris looks at Trevor.

Kris: Ask away.

Trevor: Umm, Kris, why do you have that weird Costume on?

Kris: I don’t know, I just found a weird looking rock in a Water Cave. Then I was told by a weird wizard looking guy that I had β€œPowers” of such.

Trevor and Windy and Steven looked at each other, and then laughed.

Trevor: Pfft, what? Did a Wizard break into your house which said you were a Wizard, Haha!

Windy: Haha, yea and said that to control your β€œPowers” is to attend a Wizard School, Haha!

Steven: And… And… I have no clue what they are talking about…

Kris: *Sighs* This isn’t some kind of book or Story of some sort, this real life, now serious, help me guys. I don’t know how to get out of this Costume.

Kris’s friends: Fiiine.

Trevor: What about… A secret word?

Kris is trying to think of a secret word to deactivate the Suit.

Kris: Open sesame!

Trevor: *Sighs* This isn’t a door to be opened. Wait, what time is it? I forgot my watch again.

Windy looks at her watch.

Windy: It’s 4:30 PM.

Trevor: Oh Crap! I need to go, I need to pick out a Clock for dad. Cya!

Windy, Steven, and Kris: Cya.

Trevor walks to the nearest Clock Store.

Steven: Well… I need to rock climb on TSBY Mountain if that’s the time, I promised my parents that I would go today.

Steven runs to the TSBY Mountain. And when he got there, he didn’t see his parents.

Steven: That’s weird, they could be late.

Steven shrugged and decided to climb the mountain himself, while climbing, he saw a cave and went in it.

Steven: What… The…

Steven’s eyes widen to what he has seen… What was in the cave was Steven’s parents laying there dead. And what was hovering above them was Steven's Sister, after seeing that Steven walked backwards and stepped on a stick which made a loud sound, and his sister looked at Steven with Dark Eyes.

Steven: S-sister… What happened to you??

While Steven was shocked he accidentally fell and with a glimpse of time, the time froze and within a few seconds a weird brown looking stone went into Steven’s heart. And before he fell to the ground a rock platform quickly formed from the side of the mountain out of nowhere.

Steven: What the..? Where did this rock platform come from?

Before Steven could think more about the rock platform, Steven’s Sister jumped onto Steven, but Steven dodged.

Steven: Sister, snap out of it…

Steven forms a Rock Sword. And knocks his sister out with the backend of the sword.

Steven: What did get into her? Where did she start to act that way, wait… D-did… She killed mom and.. Dad??

Steven picks up his sister and jumps down from the platform and goes to his house while trying to deactivate the Stone. While he goes home a weird black mist came out of his sister.

Steven: Well… That was weird…

Steven fell asleep with his Sister on the couch just like a family.

  • Next Day*

Steven on the phone with the school: Sorry… *Cough Cough* I got sick, I can- *Cough Cough* Can’t go to school to- *Cough Cough* Today…

School replying to him: Okay, stay home then, feel better soon, by the way do your parents know of this?

Steven replying back: Yes. *Cough Cough*

School replying back once again: Okay, hope you feel better tomorrow.

Steven hangs up the phone and lays his Sister on the couch while he tries to deactivate his stone again.

Steven: Okay… Maybe… Earth Stone Deactivated.

The Earth Stone has deactivated. And he is happy to be in his normal outfit, and tries to find on the internet about a weird brown stone with rock powers. And found a weird looking video and clicked on it.

???: Hello there, if you see this video means you have one of the Elemental Stones. The Elemental Stones are Stones of great Elemental Powers. You and the other Elemental Stones Users now have to try to find other Elemental Stones Users.

Steven: What? But, how wou-


Steven: Sorry?

???: You better be, ahem, now… Anyways, I wish you good luck, Steven.

Steven: That was… Weird…

  • After school*

Steven runs to school and sees Trevor and runs to Trevor.

Steven: Hey man, why do you look so out of breath?

Trevor: I ran from Home to School.

Steven: Oh? Okay, well I have a problem that I need help with…

Trevor: What is your problem?

Steven: M-my parents are dead, and I don’t know what to do…

Trevor: Oh… I think that we should bury your parents..

Steven: Agreed… Let’s do it right away.

Trevor: Okay.

Trevor and Steven buried Steven’s parents.

Steven: Thanks Trevor..

Trevor: Of course.
