Silence is Gold is a story about two childhood friends who are in love with each other, but can't develop their relationship into anything definitive because they're a different race of dragon that doesn't see the other as the same species.
As their kind already share a historic (unproven) interracial scandal, the pressure to keep distance is high.
The story was conceived in September of 2020, but it and the characters have made no official appearance yet. Created by VampireMeerkat.
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A yellow dragon merchant comes in contact with a red dragon soldier and the two often meet for business purposes. The soldier promises to advertise his products to the army, while the merchant scratches his back by giving his family discounts and free items.
This semi-friendship allows for their children to become close with each other.The soldier's daughter, Calliandra, has always been open about her feelings for her friend, Champagne. She gives off flirty vibes during their hangouts, but Champagne is only open about it being a harmful development of their relationship -though the fact he doesn't respond to her with disgust and insults makes his words mean little.
When the two are teenagers, her restlessness grows, while Champagne becomes more aware of the pointlessness of their relationship. A future with her is non-viable in a community that wouldn't tolerate talk of it alone, and it turns him listless at times, with only Calliandra's undying carefreeness keeping him optimistic and unable to cut off ties with her. She speaks of marriage and offspring, and with Champagne's automatic retorts that they're just friends and it would turn them into outcasts, it starts to feel more like a running joke than a serious desire being expressed.
(Click "Expand" to read more)> One day, their parents become suspicious of their tendency to run off together whenever they visit. Since "friendships" between different races are more like friendly acquaintanceships, their private meetings are seen as somewhat inappropriate.
Calliandra quickly throws in an excuse and claims Champagne has been talking with her about becoming a soldier, earning her a nervous look from him. He plays along, but tries to save himself by coming to the conclusion following his father's footsteps is a more suitable route to take. To his surprise, though, his father shows more interest in the former, and Calliandra's patronizingly agrees there's more honour in being a fighter. They both think it'd be a good direction for the dainty yellow dragon race to take.
Champagne is sweating bullets as the men excite each other over the prospect, and the regretful Calliandra can't undo her lie, either. When she reminds them yellow dragons don't have an army or physical training camp, her father thinks to solve it by inviting him to train with the red soldiers.
As Champagne and his father leave, she apologizes for not coming up with a better excuse -though thinks to deserve points for not stereotyping- and assures him there's an easy way out.The next day, he is dropped off by his father and Calliandra assigns herself as his training buddy. On their way to camp, she tells him that unsuitable fighters will be discharged and he only needs to keep failing. Champagne isn't happy about being pushed in a situation that warrants ridiculing himself in public, but says it to be a likely outcome, even if she didn't tell him.
They get started, but the courses are hard for him to follow. A trainer suggests he builds some muscle first and goes over to the children's courses. He's embarrassed by the downgrade, yet none of the soldiers or young trainees show any kind of response; as if they believe a dragon like him to belong in the kiddy pool.Calliandra decides to stay close, though he notices she now pays little attention to him and mostly stares down the many shirtless men, making him uncertain. He scoffs what the point of stripping down is, to which she says it to build resistance and keep their attire clean for when things get messy.
Upon her response, he decides to remove his shirt as well, but his slim body in comparison with the buff men and many scales covering his back catch more attention than he intended, and he's subtly snickered at. Calliandra is pleased by the image, though, and her eyes are glued back to him.She guides him on how to do simple exercises, like push-ups he barely manages to do, and his motivation grows stronger when he sees it to arouse her. Then realizing that's not something he should want, he advices her not to get so cosy with him in front of everyone.
Another soldier familiar with Calliandra then approaches for a "duel", something they apparently do often. They head over to the center ring and Champagne watches with curiosity for what's about to happen.
They charge at each other like beasts, making the ground quake, but when the man floors her with a powerful punch in the face, Champagne becomes angry and jumps him. He bites, claws, and tries to wrestle him down, but the man doesn't budge and doesn't even see him as a threat that needs to be dealt with. Calliandra then gets up with a bloodied nose, but otherwise unharmed, and informs him it's a one-on-one battle only and he needs to train first.Their casual response makes him understand it's normal practise and he unhands his target, who just smiles at him as if he were a toddler. He sheepishly returns to his push-ups, while the two powerhouses go at each other.
On the way to her house, he reviews what he's experienced and asks if the violence is something she truly enjoys. Calliandra says to have spent years of her spare time training like this and finds it fun, though understands it to look hostile to a yellow dragon. He settles with the fact he can't relate.
When he laments his low performance of the day, she reminds him that that was the plan. He justifies his slip-up remark insisting he should appear genuine if they want his exit to not look staged. She rolls her eyes.
His efforts are appreciated and Calliandra invites him to wash up before he returns home. His reported hard work has her father allow him to use their tub.As he heads over to the washing room, she sneaks behind him and closes the door. She doesn't hesitate to put her hands on the startled Champagne and mentions how heroic he looked when he came to her aid -a pitiful moment he never guessed to had impressed her. She further compliments his body and happiness for showing interest in her hobbies.
It's clear to him she's reached some kind of limit, and knows what she came for, but with a worried mind and her family only a room away, he gives her the same rejection as always. But this time, she won't back down and traps him in an embrace and many kisses. When the voices on the other side of the door start to get louder, Champagne panics and pushes her off with a scolding.
She falls against the wooden tub and lands on the floor, her eyes widened with surprise and heartbreak. She apologizes and walks out. Champagne is overcome with regret and doesn't think it's right to stay in her house after that.Back home, his mother picks up on his misty eyes and thinks he's struggling with his training. She says he doesn't have to do it just to please his father, but he says it's too early to quit. As she reheats his dinner, he asks where his brother is and learns he inspired him to start a merchant scholarship at their father's. He's surprised to have motivated the lax boy, and his mother replies it's likely over the fact he has a girlfriend to impress.
The reminder his brother has a girlfriend he can be with and build his future around saddens Champagne, and reminds him of his mistake in the washing room, nevertheless, he's determined to attend camp again the next morning.He and his father arrive at Calliandra's house, but she doesn't come out when his father gets greeted by hers. The door closes shut, and he figures she already went on ahead.
At the site, he sees her duel with someone again. Initially hesitant to approach, familiar anger steers his body forward when her face is again met with a man's heavy knuckles. Before he reaches them, Calliandra recovers and manages to win the round by pushing him out-of-bounds.Champagne then slowly approaches and startles her with his voice. He compliments her on the victory, but she expresses surprise to see him back. He says quitting on day 2 would be lazy and more fitting for his brother. She brings up her forcefulness from last night, but he wishes to apologize instead. They're given little privacy to discuss it further when another man shows up wanting to fight. He's loud and excited, but his comments that insinuate he sees her as a good punching ball for practise doesn't sit well with Champagne. Calliandra knows it's just though talk and gives it no response, but it offends him and he becomes snappy with the intruder.
The man reminds them they're at training camp, not summer camp, and idle chat is not allowed. Champagne asks him to read the mood and get lost, but this riles him up and he wishes to fight him to see if he's worthy of telling him off. Calliandra intervenes and takes Champagne into the ring. She clarifies to be his training buddy and was about to teach him how to duel. The man accepts the excuse and moseys off.She politely wrestles Champagne around while they continue their conversation. Getting ensnared with him turns her bashful, but believing to be seeing things again and he never liked her, she tries to not dwell on his touch. She says not to understand what their relationship entails, despite having been rejected many times. He can't explain his feelings, so just ensures her she did nothing wrong and he merely got spooked when he heard noises.
The man then reappears inside the ring, eager to fight Champagne after witnessing Calliandra "struggle to get him down". She tells him it's against the rules to interrupt a duel and insists to be holding back for training purposes, but he doesn't think that to be like her. Champagne nervously steps back as he approaches him with fists raised.
Calliandra repeats her earlier statement and becomes angry, but the excited muscle brain punches her down and then triple uppercuts Champagne in the stomach. He instantly collapses with blood pouring from his throat.
An infuriated Calliandra ravages him from behind, then knocks him out, whereafter she hurriedly picks up her barely conscious friend. A trainer stops her from taking him back to her house, insisting he needs to go to their medic. While unsure if their medicine works on yellow dragons, she knows it to be the only option and calms herself down.At the first aid tent, he's mainly laid to rest and given pain reducing herbs. As to cheer him up, she badmouths his assaulter, but also promises he's not a villain, just dumb. Champagne says to have been humiliated either way, a trend so far, but she claims no one even knows him or expects anything from a yellow dragon. He can't disagree with the hurtful truth.
She compliments his ability to stay conscious and expects she wouldn't be able to with an internal bleeding. Champagne replies that won't help much in battle, but is told he'd be surprised. Not wanting her to think he's honestly becoming interested in the life of a soldier, he puts himself to sleep.At the end of the day, Calliandra flies him back to his house, where his worried mother asks him to quit. Champagne repeats it's still to early, not pleasing her much. Calliandra carries him upstairs to his bedroom and concludes he better stays home tomorrow.
After some silence, he says to might need some help getting around the place, since his mother has a job, and asks if she can skip a day of training to play his caretaker. She excitedly accepts and arrives early the next morning with the same demeanour.His mother waves her goodbye as she leaves, but right when she plans to wake up Champagne for his neglected breakfast, he descends the stairs. She's surprised to see him mobile already, but he promises her it still hurts and going back up will need assistance.
After his food, she helps him back in bed, but doesn't think he feels safe with her lingering in his bedroom and announces to wait downstairs. He says to want the company and asks her to stick around. She accepts with glee on her face and in her voice, though he picks up on the short-livedness of it.
The two talk about how long ago it's been she visited his house, but she says little afterwards and keeps her distance. Champagne reassures her not to see her as a threat and she can sit next to him, but she insists he's been right to say their relationship is inappropriate. He feels devastated to have discouraged her with his actions and years of insecurity, and can only watch her as she lies on the edge of his bed with her face turned away.Regretful thoughts accompany the image of his unusually silent love interest and turn into uncontrollable yearning as he examines the curves of her body. Without much of an announcement, he helps himself out of bed to approach her for a kiss. Calliandra immediately gives in and the unflattering noises they produce invite Champagne's mother -who came back home to offer him a different career plan- upstairs faster.
She finds the two and scolds them into oblivion. Champagne is slapped in the face, while Calliandra is chased away from him in an aggressively animalistic manner. She wishes to brush the incident under the rug and demands them to break off all contact, threatening Calliandra to inform her family if she dares to come near her son again.
Champagne wants to argue in defense of their love, but is silenced with fact their lives will be over and the beneficial alliance red and yellow dragons share could be affected if this came to light.Calliandra flees the home in shame, while Champagne becomes angry at his mother and wants her out of his sight. Before leaving him alone to sulk, she reminds him of the orange dragon scandal and states to have ensured a bright future for him.
Over a year passes and Calliandra's absence is felt. With no other friends or people to turn to, he feels lonely and blames his mother for his unhappiness. Nevertheless, the long passage of time makes it appear like the incident isn't that fresh of a memory in her mind, and he plans on visiting Calliandra behind her back.
He flies to the red dragon town and decides to go to the training camp first, but is informed she's on a break, as she's pregnant. The news makes him dizzy with a crippling mixture of emotions and he hastes himself to her house. He's greeted by her unsuspecting, hospitable father, who further informs him she's married and has a home with her husband. Champagne has to keep himself from exploding in front of him and manages to make up an excuse to need her for something army-related. Her father tells him the way to her house.He arrives and knocks on the door with a worked up fist. A muscular man opens up, and Champagne thinks to recognize him as the soldier Calliandra duelled with on his first day of training. Despite his uncontrolled breathing, he utters the request to see his wife. He calls her over without caring to question why.
Calliandra appears, visibly distraught to see him. Finally reunited with her, he can't find his words and only stares her down. She quickly tells her husband he's a merchant she called over to collect items for their babies -a fair excuse that convinces him, but grinds Champagne's teeth- and announces to discuss things further outside. She pushes Champagne away from the door and closes it, whereafter she asks him to follow her.She takes them to a more secluded part of town and turns to him with slight hesitance. He takes a deep breath and says not to be angry with her decision to move on, as it's not her fault he hasn't been able to. Calliandra replies she hasn't moved on, but was forcibly married off shortly after they were separated; and thinks his mother might've said something to her parents to instigate that decision. Champagne notes her father looked unsuspicious of him, to which she guesses that to make sense, even if he was informed, as he's no longer a threat now she's married and pregnant.
He asks if she loves her husband, and she says they've only ever been training buddies, though he admitted to be in love with her on the day of their wedding. Champagne grabs her hands and suggests eloping, but she thinks it'd be a cold-hearted move to run off with her husband's unborn offspring and says she doesn't want to abandon her eggs, either. The response is taken as a rejection and Champagne flies off, with her shouting in the distance.
He spends the following years of his life working out, hoping to duel her husband someday and hopefully earn the respect and approval of the red dragons to have one of their own as his partner. Meanwhile, he pleases his mother by taking on the job of a merchant. Every now and then, he visits Calliandra under this cover, but has to witness her family life every time. She greets him with kindness, but doesn't dare to let her true colours show, though her small daughters express their fondness of him in a familiar manner.
Champagne grows into a muscular man, highly uncommon for a yellow dragon, thus is quick to get an invitation to join the red dragon army during one of his visits. Hoping to learn some fighting moves and impress Calliandra more, he accepts, though knows to keep his merchant job.One day, Calliandra's husband has had enough of the stranger talking to his wife and playing with his daughters all the time, and shows up to ask what his intentions are. Calliandra repeats he's a merchant, but he doesn't believe the excuse, as he's never seen any new purchases around the house. She clarifies she negotiates for the army, but he turns to Champagne with his questions. Champagne thinks this to be his moment to show off and confidently declines to answer. The two start punching away at each other, and while Champagne is able to stand his ground thanks to the training, he can't keep up with the born fighter.
Calliandra has to intervene and sucker-punches her husband into docility. She asks why he's acting insecure if he already succeeded at making her his wife and they have a family together. She adds that Champagne's visits are not out of the ordinary, as they've been friends for many years longer than she's known him.
Her husband replies to have come to understand Champagne was the outlier trainee from years ago and is the same dragon reported to have been seen together with her in private. Calliandra and Champagne are shocked and embarrassed to learn his mother did not keep her promise and even the husband knows all the details.With pain in her face, Calliandra states that interracial relationships are wrong and he has no reason to be worried. Champagne understands this to be the last time he'll see her, and not even her husband allows them to say goodbye. He's demanded to leave and never approach his family again.
Back in the yellow dragon city, many single women come to see the muscular Champagne, who's large body and enlarged golden scales make him a highly pursued mate, but he can't get himself to fake interest in them and his mind stays with the woman he's lost.

Calliandra (2020).
Calliandra is a female red dragon.
She's called "Cally" by most, mainly her best friend, Champagne. She developed her crush on him when they were children, and as teenagers, her feelings only became stronger. She has a fearless, jolly, and open personality, which makes her not see the importance of keeping her love for him a secret to him, though she knows not to make it (too) obvious in front of others.
Like her father, she planned to become a soldier and trained for it often, but this desire was put on hiatus after getting pregnant and having her two daughters.
Her love for Champagne never faded and her feelings for her husband don't exceed that of friendship, though she chooses not to romantically engage with him anymore after the humiliation of his mother finding them. Unlike Champagne, steered by regret, she was "scared straight".
When her father announced to marry her off to her army friend, she didn't dare to decline and took it as the chance to show to the outside world she accepts and respects her own race, though her happiness is visibly low. When she learns her moment with Champagne is very much made public and he and her husband become more hostile with each other, she sees no other solution but to save him and herself from ostracisation by exclaiming her devotion to the man she married.
Calliandra is fairly muscular, has green eyes, voluminous long, red hair, long brown horns, and a red tail and wings.

Champagne (2020).
Champagne is a male ellow dragon.
He finds his best friend, Calliandra, extremely attractive, though has always presented himself as her friend only. In the company of others, he takes on the role of a friendly acquaintance.
Like her, he has a great sense of humor and jokes around alot, though there's a more mature side to him as well that makes him worry about the future. He doesn't find his attraction towards Calliandra to make sense, and the fact he feels this way makes the orange dragon scandal feel a lot more believable to him.
While he lost his chance to be with Calliandra thanks to his mother, he feels he's to blame as well for the many years of romantically rejecting her. These regrets urge him to mimic the look and behaviour of a common red dragon soldier, not realizing Calliandra has already made the decision to stay within her forced marriage.
Champagne has little eyebrows and blond hair, as the majority of his head is covered with golden scales, preventing growth. His eyes are green, he has wavy white horns, wings like flower pedals, and three thin tails.
- "Calliandra" is a genus of flowers.