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Siah the Rocker Rat is an abandoned animated series, created by VampireMeerkat.

A mean, spoiled house cat ends up having to survive on the streets after chasing down a rat in her house and getting locked out by accident.

The project never came any further than a few drawings of the characters, who made their first online appearance in 2005 at Lionking Fanart.org. The story itself was never published.

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Whilst chasing Siah around the house, Mylov the cat is led through an open window that falls shut when she jumps through it. She mindlessly follows Siah deep into the city, whereafter she loses him and concludes to be lost herself.
She unwillingly meets up with a street cat, named Daved, who falls in love with her at first sight. While he keeps offering his help, she rejects him every time and keeps getting into more trouble because of it.

While Mylov is determined to catch Siah and get back home, she won't listen to Daved, who appears to be friends with Siah and hangs out with him whenever Mylov escapes his presence. Meanwhile, Daved describes her to Siah as his "girlfriend" and isn't taken seriously by him, either, nor does Siah know he's talking about his mortal enemy.


Main characters


Siah (pronounced: "See-ya") is a rat who "lives" in Mylov's house, and performs in a band on the streets.

He's a devoted underground musician and popular amongst other rodents and similar small animals, which is why he doesn't really get involved with other people's lives, even if they are close friends.

Though his music may present him as an aggressive or overly excitable person, he's friendly and docile, not even bearing resentment for his number one adversary, Mylov.
Siah takes life for what it is and focusses on the fun aspects of it.

Siah is a BEW rat; with dark eyes and white fur. He has messy, punkish hair on his head, but is otherwise shorthaired.


Mylov, called "M.L." by Siah, is a house cat.

She's a humorless introvert and thinks to be better than everyone else, including her owner.
Spoiled as she looks, she's a determined vermin hunter and her own persistence caused her to end up on the streets.

Mylov's breed is unknown, and despite her demeanour, she wasn't an expensive purchase and does not have a pedigree. She has white fur, green eyes, long legs, tail, neck, and ears, and a wide face.


Daved (pronounced: "Day-ved") is a street cat.

He's surprisingly friendly for an animal that was raised on the streets and never enjoyed human kindness and care. He's a bold and friendly character, but also delusional. He takes almost everything people say to him as a compliment or invitation, and is an undiscouragable optimist who's deaf for negativity in general.

Daved's breed is unknown, and he has brown fur, green eyes, long legs and tail, and an overall messy appearance.

Minor characters

Shimshek and Bert

Shimshek and Bert are Siah's friends and band mates.

Shimshek plays the keyboard, which usually functions as a replacement for the bass guitar, while Bert plays the drums.
Shimshek's keyboard is an altered toddler's toy, a testament to Shimshek's technical inclination, while the drum kit is made out of pieces of a real drum kit, a testament to Bert's destructive nature.

They're both albino rats and identical in appearance, yet not related. They're aware of the fact they look alike and purposely wear different clothing in order to distinguish themselves.
Though they're not supposed to be the "dumb comic relief" of the series, at times they'll confuse themselves for the other.

Mylov's owner

Mylov's owner is an unnamed, mostly unseen character who only appears at the very start of the story, though her body is only partially seen.

It's unknown if she went out to look for Mylov after she got lost.


Chivu (pronounced: "Key-voo") is the dog that lives with Mylov. He's not very intelligent, nor involved with the constant chase that's going on in the house.

He's primarily seen lying around in the house whilst getting stepped on during a chase between Mylov and Siah.

Chivu is a large MΓΌnsterlΓ€nder.



  • Despite the series carrying Siah's name, Siah isn't the main character.
  • Though little artwork of the characters exists online, many sketches were drawn around the time of the series' conception.
  • Chivu was a real dog -someone else's- VampireMeerkat used to look after.
  • Mylov's owner has never given her a name, and instead calls her "my love", which Mylov assumed to be her name.