Title card. "The Beginning From Where It Happened!"
Ryan: Life Before Being A Hero is a story of a prequel to Blaze, written by Magmastone808.
It follows Ryan's middle school life before his transformation into Blaze the Fireball.
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Main Cast
Ryan | Rari | Deshawn | Spencer |
Minor Characters
Chapter 1: First Day!
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>In a September night, a young boy named Ryan was sitting in his computer for the night. Ryan was searching on his social media until out of nowhere seeing a picture of a Egirl with Ryan in his thoughts * wow, umm, no no my morals. * until his mom came in and Ryan quickly took off and fake slept, until Ryan's mom closed the door. As then Ryan just went to sleep for his first day of school.
the next day
it was the next day, and it was 7:00 in the morning and Ryan woke up. As he was excited for his first day his grabbed his clothes and got his red shirt, his red jacket, blue jeans and his new favorite red shoes. As then he brushed his teeth, comb his hair with gel and grabbed his red backpack. So then he went downstairs only to see his mother making breakfast, Ryan said " hey mom, is that... BACON!!? " and Ryan's mom, Dionne, said " Yes honey, now eat up before you get to school you wouldn't be late! But for me I'm going to do some errands while Milo will be in his cage! Well go now with your bacon, come on! " Ryan responded " ok, see ya... " and Dionne quickly said " hey are you forgetting something? " and Ryan kissed his mom and left, Dionne said " oh my, how Ryan grew so fast... " as Ryan then closed the door he first breath the fresh morning air of California and went in to go to school in a five minute walk, he ran in his fullest speed until immediately panting until seeing a shortcut as then it only took him three minutes. Until seeing the school everyone was all crowded with kids. As then he was ready! Ryan then went in to the school and going to the office of getting his schedule. With then Ryan reading his schedule, he felt kinda surprised it's not bad but math was with it. Ryan said " man, this school is really big, it's quite cool. " until then he went to his first class which was History. Ryan then picked his seat which was in the back seat.
Ryan then grabbed his backpack, and organized everything. Ryan said in his thought * hmm, alright I'm ready, woah there's an E GIRL!! No wait just be calm is just E Girl that is too young to be right? Ugh, oh frick, it's starting alright. * as the teacher gave an introduction there was a kid that tried to say something to Ryan, Ryan then heard the kid whisper and said " hey you, dude you wanna be friends, since I got no homies on me i need one so you in or nut sucka? " and Ryan said " alright, dude I'll be one! What's your name? Names Ryan! " and then the kid said " alright bro, my name is Deshawn! " as then they shook hands and everything was good so as then the classes passed until lunch as then he went to eat and grabbed his lunch until seeing Deshawn. As he was waving, so then he sat were Deshawn was and ate, together. Until the lunch passed few classes passed until the last one which was English, as then there was this girl which was the same E Girl as before, Ryan then noticed that she looked at him with a glaring eye, Ryan then nervous until then it was the end of the day, Ryan said goodbye to Deshawn until meeting the Egirl once again, Ryan first said " umm, hi! Wassup! " and the girl said " heya, what's your name? " Ryan then told his name and the girl said " aww, what a cutie, my name is Amelia but call me Rari! Hey wanna know something? " as Rari grew closer and closer to Ryan in a way of teasing which Ryan in his thoughts said * Woah! Woah! WOAAH! Oh my goodness this Egirl is touching me! Just play it cool! * Ryan the responded " hey umm, so what are interested!? " and Rari and answered " hehe, you! Hey would you wanna be my boo! I could be your mate you wanna hmm? " as Rari actually called Boo to Ryan as a cute name for him and Ryan was historically happy, Ryan said " Lord, how can I thank you? " as then Ryan grabbed Rari and then proceeded to hug her. Rari a little excited, Rari " hey stop, mmm, alright alright, ok I'll see ya tomorrow! " as Rari kissed Ryan and left. Ryan was happy! So then he walk all the way home, as then he went inside and his mom said " how was school, honey? " and Ryan said " it was great I like it! " and then Dionne said " ok I'll make dinner soon, so wait I'll lil bit! " and then Ryan went to his room and with fallen to his bed.
Ryan said " I guess it's not bad, I'm going to have in this school! "
Chapter 2: The Best Egirl, (according to Ryan)
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>Sometime later, Rari The Egirl have woken up from her sleep, she then got ready, getting her clothes and owing her routine and even using a marker to mark her cheeks everyday. As then she went out to to see her mom as she said " mom I'm going to school, I'll see you afternoon! " as then she went out. Just as the same for Ryan as he was walking to go to school until he saw Rari waiting. Ryan was confused for a bit as then Rari said to Ryan " Hey boo! What's up? " as Ryan said " oh hey Rari, what's up! I'm good! " as Rari giggled they both went to school. Ryan then was kinda nervous... as then when they got to school and were inside the hallways a kid was bullied as Ryan wanted to help he said " Hey! Leave him alone! " as the Bully said " What you gonna do about? " Ryan shouted " Just leave him alone!! " as then the Bully punched Ryan as he was out cold. As the next hour Ryan woke up from the nurse room, as he saw first Rari's beautiful face as she was worried Ryan slowly said " ugh, what just happened? " as the Nurse said " you been out cold, so atleast your good! Even the kid just got suspended! " Ryan the sighed as he left with Rari, until the kid that got bullied, said " hey man, thank you for saving from that idiot, the names Spencer! You two? " Both said their names, as then they met until Deshawn came and said " Ay yo! Wassup my man, ive heard you saved this dude, nice one! " as Ryan flushed! As then they met each other once more until Ryan missed first period class, Ryan just went to second period. As when it ended the first four periods of class, Ryan then went for lunch with his friends. After all the classes the school ended.
Ryan then was walking until, Spencer showed up and said " hey, Ryan, I'm gladly ask to you if you want to got to the Diner with me and your friends! Wanna hang out? " as Ryan was shocked he accepted, as then he told the news to his Mom. Dionne said " hmm alright but be back by six okay? " as then Ryan was then ready he saw Spencer there with the others and headed off, as they got to the Diner they sat at their table and ordered as Spencer then said " I'll buy everything! " as they at their food, and had a good time. Ryan was happy, when it was noontime Ryan went home stuffed with food, until then Ryan went home tired and stuffed as his Mom was taking a nap, Ryan used his computer to play. Ryan then finished and went to bed.
Chapter 3: Having Fun At Home!
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>One week has passed, and Ryan was sure having plans for his weekend until his mom called him. Ryan went downstairs and his mom said " Ryan I'm going to have a meeting and do some errands with the food and bills, I will get your babysitter here. " until Ryan was shocked and said " Mom!? But you know that I'm old enough to be babysit. Come on please mom! " but his mom didn't agreed so then he was getting babysat.
Until she left, Ryan was pissed but then having an idea of letting his friends come in his house. Unti, the door rang and it was Ryan's old babysitter named Alex since Ryan was not a big fan of her. She said " hey little haven't seen ya in a long time... you've grown up so much now since I get a look on you! " Ryan wasn't pleased, until Ryan's friends came along. Until Alex said " hey who are you kids? Ryan's friends? " as they said " of course! " but then Ryan was unlucky to have her, until some great news came from the TV, which it was going to rain. Since it's almost the end of September. As then Ryan and the others had fun, since Dionne was coming back in the nighttime, Ryan then tried to make snacks as then when Rari showed up to him as she said to him, " Hey, Boo, " until Spencer, Deshawn and Alex saw them in a funny way, as continued Rari said " hmm, well Ryan your home is really cozy, actually can I see your room? " Ryan accepted so they headed up and Rari saw Ryan's room, she was amazed Rari commented on Ryan " Ryan! This room is really neat! Hey let lay on your bed!! " as she continued to lay down on Ryan's bed. she then liked it and made compliments " Ryan, I wished I can sleep with you, and that you hugged me in the bed with your body... if you want to do it, now. " and Ryan with a red face he then did it.. Ryan lay'd down with Rari as he began to hug her, he smelled Rari's hair as it was a pleasant smell, Ryan in his thoughts said * wow, she smells like strawberry shampoo, she does smell good, but I colliding with her body and mine, I'm well kinda fat since i have some fat, but does it matter if she accepts of how I touch her?! * as then Rari entered to Ryan's jacket as she layed her head on Ryan stomach, she said " Ryan, even though some girls don't like fat kids, but I do since you are one. I love you Ryan Boo, you are mine, but I wonder if there's another girl liking you? As Rari tried to kiss Ryan and Ryan grabbing Rari's cheeks and seeing Rari's eyes full of glitter love, until they almost touched mouths, UNTIL, Spencer, Deshawn, and Alex saw them making a move and Ryan with a scream, he was terrified until persuading the others that it was just a joke but they wouldn't believe him and Rari touching her lips as she was dissatisfied. As then, everyone was at the living room watching TV until Ryan ate a popcorn and accidentally chocked, everyone was shocked and panicked but worse was for Spencer, until they actually tried to call 911, as foolishly Spencer tried to call, as Rari said " oh my gosh! Call the hospital!!!! " and Spencer stupidly said " what's the number?!? " as Ryan actually responded " really Sucka?, what's... the number? " until then Alex punched Ryan's stomach and Ryan then spat the popcorn out. And everything was ok. As then it was nighttime and everyone left except Alex, Alex said to Ryan " hey, Ryan since you've been cool, would you be a friend to me? " as Ryan confused but then Alex said " yeah, I know since I'm 19, I would make you an apprentice so from now on I will teach you how to be a real teenager! Since your almost one. But hey I'll see you someday! But go to bed until your mom comes in! " as then Ryan was actually interested.. as then he just spend his day chilling by his own!
Chapter 4: Luna, The Shy Goth!
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>Ryan woke up for his second day of school, as then he met his mother making breakfast. As he was satisfied with the smell of food. He ate what his mother served and was ready again for school as he said goodbye to his mom and headed off to school. Ryan then in his long walk met Rari waiting for him, Rari said " Hey Boo! Did you sleep good, hey let me see you! " as Ryan persuaded by Rari looks he gets teased by Rari sometimes. Afterwards, They were inside school as they went to their classes. When it ended, Ryan was distracted until then bumped to another person, he stranded up and help get the person until he saw a girl which was a goth she then got up and saw Ryan, as she had a heartbeat over seeing Ryan, she had a red face and left running.
Which made Ryan confused, later, Ryan ate food in the cafeteria since Spencer and Deshawn wasn't in school for reasons until seeing the same girl he bumped in to, Ryan in his thoughts * hmm, maybe I should keep her company, even though she is really alone... * as then, he went to sit by the girl. He saw down with her the girl was kinda nervous since Ryan couldn't see if she was nervous or not because of her hair blocking her eyes. Ryan first talk to her; " Hey! Umm how are you? What's your name! " and no answer another question but no answer. Ryan was kinda bored about this until she talked she said " umm m-my name is Luna... and I-I'm ok.. how a-about you? " Ryan said " Great! The names Ryan! " as the Luna has the feeling of love, as now she has a crush, but then. Rari showed up. Ryan was surprised and said " Oh! Umm Rari I present to you Luna! She's a shy girl that needs some social skills! " but Rari didn't find that and she was mad until calming down Rari, until Luna hugging Ryan's back. Until lunch ended Ryan felt kinda tired until Luna shows up and gives him a present. Ryan opened the present and it was a plushie. Ryan liked and hugged Luna, Luna felt a little red and hugged back. Luna said to Ryan " Hey Ryan, would you be my girlfriend? " Ryan confused but said " umm I don't know, since Rari the pink haired girl, is kinda somehow my girlfriend, but you can- " immediately Luna kissed Ryan and said " yeah, but I'm the one being your girlfriend not her! " the Luna left, Ryan was shocked until school ended, and ended by walking home. As he got home, he went to bed. His mother wasn't home so he chased to play on his computer in a week afternoon.
Chapter 5: A Dream, A Tryout And Some Other Stuff
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>In one late night, Deshawn was sleeping until he was dreaming. As he began to dream of being a president but a rude person he was, as he answered questions from people like βMr President, Whatβs your thoughts on global warming?β As then Deshawn said β Oh HEX naw, ima beat the crap out of you!!β As then one person left running. Next was " Mr President! Do you support LGBTQ Community? " but since Deshawn is actually a jerk and being rude he said " Not answering that question, next! " and another one " Mr President! Would you ever consider bombing countries? " and Deshawn answered " uh no, I will bomb what ever country I want! " and finally another question came in " Mr President! Can Women have Rights! " and then Deshawn shouted " Rights? I think you should YOURE FUDGING PLACE!!! " until waking up. Deshawn then woke up and got ready for another week of school.
Later on, Ryan was walking to school but he was hungry even though eating breakfast which didn't fill him. But he had to forget about it until seeing Rari with a breakfast burrito. Ryan was filling his mouth saliva for being to much hungry until Rari saw Ryan being hungry, Rari sighed and let Ryan eat her burrito, Rari said " here Boo, a breakfast for ya! " Ryan then ate a bite until realizing Ryan ate the same bite as Rari making a mouth to mouth interaction until Ryan just ate it. Rari then was kinda nervous but happy as they walk to school together. As they got to school there were after school clubs going in around and even tryouts for teams Ryan was invested into one which was basketball. But funny is that he was only 5'7 but it didn't matter. Rari was kinda confused as she said " Ryan? Why would you tryout for Basketball if your not that tall? " but Ryan was invested so then he waited until after school for any application but as then Luna came in running for a hug to Ryan which made Rari angry and Luna making a face to Rari which both fought but in a less aggressive way. Which made Ryan stop them. After school Ryan went to the gym for an application which gave him a paper as he got home he showed it to his mom, Dionne said " Honey, I don't know if you can... but hey every mother needs to appreciate their kids for there dreams so I say that you can! " as then Dionne signed the paper out and Ryan excited for tomorrow.
The next day...
Ryan was in school, after then when in the end of day since yesterday, Ryan was there in the gym until seeing some kids doing their practice until the coach went to meet Ryan and said " Hey kid, you in for tryouts? " and Ryan nodded, coach said " well then get your uniform which it's in the boys locker room and go get it and come back here to practice! " as Ryan went in the boys locker room he got his uniform which was weird they had a black and red crank top shirt with their mascot, black shorts, and weirdly some red gloves. As then Ryan went in and saw the basketballs so then he practice making shots and some nearly and some not shorted in. As then they made a match of split up team. Which Ryan was kinda scared, Ryan then went in with others on the game as then it was hard for Ryan but then he got the hang of it and made a goal in the last minute he made it again! As he was cheered, Ryan was happy, at the end of the day Ryan got home while her mom was asleep from all that office work, as then he got the same idea and headed to sleep.
Rari was in her room, later she saw the clear sunset sky. She later opened the window close to the roof and climbed her way to the top and seeing the sky going dark as the beautiful sun closes to the beautiful city, which is Downtown, Los Angeles.
Chapter 6: A Good Day In Life
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>It was almost October, since Ryan was ready for the big game in about two days so then Ryan went in to do homework for the past days. Later on, Ryan sometimes hangs out with his friends but this time they headed to town to explore, Ryan saw the beautiful buildings and the sky full blue with the rays of the sun. As then in nighttime something unusual happened when Ryan was sleeping while his mom out working overnight. Ryan heard a knock on his door, Ryan checked and saw Rari there, Ryan couldn't believe so then he opened the door. He said " Rari? What are you doing here? It's like ten in the flipping night and we have to go to school for the exams! " but Rari said " I know but, I need something from you, since I'm bored and alone asleep I really need your company and I want to sleep with you! " Ryan was surprised but he questioned " hey! Wait? Does your Mom know about this? " and Rari with a guilty face she nodded and said " umm no, no my mom doesn't know... but come on! Please just for the night! " and Ryan couldn't resist and so then he let her in. Ryan then went upstairs with Rari but then Rari stripped down only to have her shirt and with her underwear and bra. Ryan almost had a nosebleed but then he was fluttered like a bird. As then both layed down. Afterwards Ryan saw in eye contact to Rari. Ryan was later nervous until Rari started touching him, her body was excited without a doubt, afterwards, They both got closer and closer until touching lips! For the first time, Ryan and Rari kissed both of them. Ryan was proud he was kissed while Rari happy as they both slept, with cuddling, hugging, and even touching together happy.
the next day
Ryan woke to see that Rari was gone, she left a note and Ryan read " Hey Boo, left early see you in school! P.S. I left at 4:00 AM since your mom came half a minute so see ya! " and Ryan was great fully happy. As Ryan was in school he was studying for the exam. As he got perfect A+! Afterwards at the end of school, the basketball game was everybody in the gym sitting to see it and Ryan nervous as heck. Until it started, Ryan's teammates were passing to make it pass until getting stolen from the opponents until Ryan had the chance and grabbing the ball and making a goal which successfully passed. Ryan then was ready again! As the opponents later scored leaving a one to one score as then with dribbles and scores it was up to six and six, Ryan was it's last hop... Ryan the dashed his way to make the goal and jumped and scored! Leaving the last second. Ryan felt happy and got the trophy, Ryan was happy and his life became better.
at the end of the day... Ryan was sure ready for the adventures and even threats! His about to face in his life, before being a HERO!!!
Chapter 1: Alex The Tomboy⦠as a friend!
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>A month later, in November and it was snowing on a rare occasion. Ryan was at home sleeping until woken up for the next day. Ryan then woke up and said β Wowe! I guess I only have three weeks for school! Awesome! β Ryan the wore his coat, Red earmuffs and gloves with a beanie. And headed off to school, later he saw Rari with her coat and other clothes for winter. She said β Hey Boo! I think you didnβt gave me a kiss? β as she attempted to do a kiss until Luna showed up, Ryan said β oh hey Luna! Wazzup! β and Luna greeting Ryan, which made Rari jealous as Rari forcefully grabbed Ryan and left which Luna was kinda mad about but late she followed them. Afterwards, Ryan was at class doing some assignments, afterwards on lunch Ryan ate his food, meanwhile Rari joined him for lunch until Luna later joined which made Ryan a heck nervous until the bell rang and Ryan left.
Later on when school was over and Ryan was home, Dionne said β Hey son, Iβm going to the store to buy some milk and eggs which will take me a long time so Iβm calling your babysitter β Ryan was kinda unhappy but then he accepted, after Dionne left, Ryan was alone until Alex came in. Alex said β hey bud! You know I think we gonna have fun this days! β Ryan was excited and wanted to hear the rest. Days went by and the snow was out. Ryan then saw that it was the weekend, Alex then came over to Ryanβs house which later on said to Dionne β Hey, Ms. Dionne! Can your son help me for one day on my Job and to hang out if you like? β and Dionne said β Ok! I needed my son to do something for the weekend, alright Iβll let you have him for as long itβs not passed nighttime at nine! β and then Alex told to Ryan β hey dude! You are going with me to my job! β and Ryan confused until driven there, which was a burger place. Ryan was kinda unhappy as he said β Alex, why are we here!? At a burger place!? β Alex sighed but they headed in, which was not that bad. Ryan the used a uniform for the job Ryan then met some of Alexβs friends which was fun as one time they met a customer whom was a Karen! Ryan then made a joke to the lady which made her mad, and everybody laughed. Alex then saw as Ryan was a really cool kid, Ryan was joyful with Alexβs job and friends!
Later, Alex dropped off Ryan, but Alex said once again to Ryan β Hey Ryan! Maybe we can go to a Best Buy on Black Friday, so yeah see ya! β and Ryan saw that Alex was a cool person.
Chapter 2: Fun On The End Of November!
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>it was Thanksgiving! And Ryan actually had no plans for that. It was just a normal day for Ryan but a little fun since he stayed with his mother at least until Dionne invited her sisters and brothers, which Ryan had to meet his cousins, Ryan despised the reunion for Thanksgiving, Ryan then waited until eating the food for Thanksgiving which made him satisfied.
Later at night, Ryan woke up and remembered over what Alex said on Black Friday so he changed himself and went off at the middle of the night since the Stores was just five blocks down his neighborhood! As then he saw a line that was short and saw Alex with her big jacket as they met. Alex said β Hey there Bud! You little rascal did you left the house? β and Ryan said β yep! So when this starting? β and Alex answered β well, at 5:00 AM so in five minutes! As it passed the minutes, it started so as then the duo went grabbing anything they had like Headphones, Snacks, and much more until getting everything they wanted. As it ended, Ryan and Alex were satisfied over there stuff as Ryan and Alex walked to their homes. Ryan said β see ya! Alex! β and quietly, Ryan putted and secured his stuff to his room and went in to sleep. Which was a fun day for him over the weekend.
Saturday came in, and Ryan was a heavy sleeper! Ryan then heard a knock of a door until getting up and checked who it was, until it was Rari, she said β Ryan, would you go out with me? β and Ryan said β I donβt know it early in the mornin.. β and Rari quickly replied β Boo its three in the afternoon! So come on letβs a go! β so then they hang out with each other, walking while chatting, afterwards they got Pizza and Rari went to buy some stuff with Ryan, and pretty much they were couple until when they finished Rari slowly wanted to touch lips with Ryan but Ryan said β Rari I know you wanna kiss me, but I donβt know I want to keep my morals. AS OF NOW! IM A CHRISTIAN!! β and Rari was a bit confused but she didnβt care so she kissed Ryan but Ryan just let it all outβ¦ as the end of the day, Ryan felt a little satisfied but much more of having so much FUNβ¦
Chapter 3: Two Chested
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>Weeks has passed, as then when Ryan woke for school until later in school. Ryan was doing a test on paper, after finishing it and done for his first three classes, he went to lunch as to remembering Luna again so Ryan decided to sit with her. Luna was happy and said β Ryan! Come sit here! β as Ryan said β Wow cheerful are you!? β As they sat and ate together until Rari came in and sat with Ryan and Luna, as she was jealous she grabbed Ryan by the head and forcefully collided with her breast, Ryan was all red. Until Luna also did the same with her chest, until both making aggressive eye contact! Ryan was all red and nose bled. Later on, Ryan saw Deshawn passing by until Deshawn said β Ryan! Didnβt you know, that some dude broke the toilet!? β and Ryan was shocked β Dude, is it ok? β and Deshawn answered β Naw! The toilet done for but everyone yeβ¦ β and Ryan said β oh, ok anyway this happened to me, like Rari and Luna the goth chick just forcefully grabbed my head put them with their chests, mothertrucker, I got double head-chested!! β and Deshawn said β well, my boi, you just got to a love triangle since are in one but two chicks and four breast is a victory for you bruh and I am proud of you! See ya! β and Deshawn left while Ryan was really irritated but then seeing Spencer grabbing books in the library he said the same thing to him and simple answer β Ryan, you lucky bast- β as later on when school ended he went home as now seeing Alex chilling beside a park.
Alex was peacefully laying in down a bench, Ryan then checked up on her as she said β oh hey Ryan, how schools goin? β and Ryan replied β oh nothing got double face chested by two girls which are an e-girl and a goth or emo, but I donβt know I just got that and my friends saying Iβm lucky, but eh what do you say? β and Alex replied β well, umm youβre goin to be ok, since now you in some love triangle which itβs fine, but hey at-least be great full since others canβt just like that dude calling you Bastardβ¦ β Ryan was all cracked up about it but he was sure great, while that Ryan and Alex watch the sunset.
At night, Ryan was sleeping, until dreaming of Rari and Luna, which him laying down and both girls making a move to Ryan which he screamed at the very end. He was all scared about but he said β hmm, you know what, maybe it wonβt be bad anyway I guess I have a big fun life ahead of meβ¦ β
~as he will soon get
Chapter 1: The Party
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>Once upon a time, Ryan the Great! Was enjoying his lunch at the school. Ryan enjoyed his meal, afterwards at the end of the day he was all tired from walking, until he went to sleep. Until dreaming of Rari, she was wearing a bunny suit and with all the atmosphere pink and everything until waking up sweating from that dream.
It was the weekend and Ryan was all bored until going for a walk, and later seeing Alex, she said β oh hey bud, I want to ask you, if you want to go to a party one of my friends is hosting! Ryan was actually into it and excited. Later that night he went with Spencer, Deshawn, Rari, and Luna to the party and saw all the highschoolers at the party. Ryan was kinda nervous until seeing Alex again. Ryan then met Alex as they drank soda and had a blast while then Ryan and Rari were together until Luna interrupter and both three were in a bad shap until Spencer made a big mistake when he wanted to grab a drink until being clumsy and spilling the drink to a bully as the bully was pissed off and said β Hey Stupid! Watch were you going bro! β and Spencer immediately apologized until it was too late and then was chased by the bully. Deshawn helped and calmed down the guy so as then everything was normal to the party. Later on they had some much fun. Everyone was alright until the police came in as everyone left from the complaint. Ryan then went home at midnight and was quiet even though his mom was asleep like a rock. Ryan then slept for the night.
For Rari, She was walking home from the party and seeing everyone asleep as she realized that her brother was coming to visit as she was crying that she never saw any sibling of hers. As she walked to bed with everything pink. She later grabbed her cat to bed and slept quietly.
Spencer was walking home and when he got home, he saw his mom sleeping peacefully while his dad was away working for a week. So then he slept in his bed with his room of posters and geek stuff.
Deshawn went home and slept in his sloppy and not good bedroom. While that his mom and dad were asleep.
Finally Luna was just walking home. She went to sleep on her bed as she was kinda angered over Rari trying to get her way to Ryan. But she then said βhe is going to be mine!β.
Later, Alex was bummed out over the party but then she was all happy for the fun, she later visited her home and slept.
All slept peacefully for the night.
Chapter 2: Sibling Issues
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>Ryan woke up one day in December, afterwards he would ate breakfast but then seeing that it was a long break for winter on school. So then he was joyful because of no school, so then he went for a fresh walk. Afterwards, Rari showed up telling some news for Ryan β Ryan, I got to tell you something, my brother, Ezekiel, is here for the week but the thing is of when I told him about you and you being my girlfriend, he was all pissed because me and being overprotective of me, so he said if he ever sees you, you and him will fight. β Ryan was in full shock, Ryan said β wait, but I canβt fight there has to be another way to make him look good on me or just being chilled down, you know what tell him to meet me in the diner while you hide somewhere of anything goes wrong β as then they hug each other over their relationship!
Later on, Ryan was ready for it. If anything he said, he will have a sprayer for if anything bad happens. As then he headed off to the diner and while entering he wanted to see where he was until seeing Rari under a table, he sat down until Rari saying β hey be quite didnβt know where to hide so I preferred here! Alright imma put my head in your *crotch*! β until his brother came in, Ryan was nervous as heck! Until Ezekiel, was all mad faced and with a big expression of anger of more likely manly! Ryan then was there with despair. Ezekiel said β so, youβre Rariβs boyfriend, huh? β and Ryan said yes, Ezekiel said β so why are you taking my sister away, who do you think you are?! β Ryan responded β well, first of all Iβm not a person of just being boyfriends with Rari just cuz of her body, no, I was actually the one whom not started it, she was. Second, Iβm Ryan thatβs who I am! Which is what Iβm called.., β Ezekiel was suspecting Ryan while Rari hanging of Ryanβs underside. But afterwards, Ryan said β look, man I know you may not trust me but atleast give me a chance! Please my guy! I wonβt fail you.. β Ezekiel then said β alright Iβll let you, but if you ever hurt her I swear to Gid Iβll kill you! Alright!? β and Ryan said yes. Until it all ended Ryan and Rari relationship is now let free. Ryan then felt good, Rari too, but afterwards they met someone, Rariβs sister as when Rari shouted of seeing her.
Ryan then was all tired of this until Rariβs sis said β Rari, who is he your boyfriend? β and Rari said yes to the question. Rari felt kinda nervous for this until Rariβs sis was kinda unhappy but then left with Ezekie, Rari said goodbye to fellow Ryan and Ryan left to go home.
Chapter 3: Shouldnβt This Be Over For Siblings Or Naw..?
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>After a week has passed almost for Christmas, Ryan was walking in the cold morning for a good walk while her mom was at work. Until later, Rari saw Ryan walking alone as she said β finally, Ryan to myself! β Ryan saw Rari running towards him as he expected. Ryan greeted, β oh hey Rari sup! β as Rari replied β oh hey! Ryan, umm remember when my brother talked to you about me and our relationship, well, you're not finished on this, you also need to hang out with him and also my sister. Yeah Iβm really overprotective because of you and how boys these days only think of one thing and itβs crapβ¦ β and Ryan was tired of doing all of this but he had no choice but to save his relationship with Rari!
Later in the evening, Ryan hung out with Ezekiel and it turned out great for both, Ezekiel said at that night β Hey Ryan! I think you're a good dude to talk with, so then I let you become my sisterβs boyfriend! β which made Ryan joyful for the reply!
but then it was Rariβs Sister! Ryan was nervous about it since she is a girl and itβs hard for him to even persuade her to have a chance. Ryan met Rariβs sister, she said β Ryan, my name is Sasha! Iβve seen you chatting with my brother and you want to save your specialties with my sister Rariβ¦ hmm so then if you say then ask these questions! Ryan was almost tired of the questions that were asked to Ryan. As finally Sasha made a challenge for him, Sasha actually wanted to flash on Ryan for a temptation until Ryan was holding it β Ok, think of Jesus, no no no, donβt β until he passed it!! Ryan was accepted to be Rariβs boyfriend!! Sasha left as Ryan went to see Rari. Rari hugged Ryan tightly as kissing him, Ryan became like a new man and then walked home over a day of being accepted
for Ryanβs friends, one of them in particular, Spencer wanted to also get a girlfriend , which will soon be told.
Chapter 4:Spencer Vs. Girlfriends!
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>Spencer, The Nerd, wanted to have a girlfriend but since his social status doesnβt approve it. He said β man, when am I going to get an girlfriendβ¦ maybe, Ryan can help! Yeah! β So then he changed and went to Ryanβs house in the evening, as when Ryan opened the door Spencer asked β hey Ryan I need helpβ¦ β later, Spencer went inside Ryanβs house as he told what he wanted β so Ryan umm how do you get a girlfriendβ¦ since you have one, or two.. β Ryan said β man, umm I donβt know, even tho I have two, apparently I still donβt know, look I didnβt made the move those two girls so then I guess you can be more manly or maybe confidence! β Spencer was still concern about and wanted to have a relation to a girl. Spencer then just went home empty handed after then he went to Deshawn for answers or advice β so you want a girl huh? β Deshawn said to Spencer, β so then hereβs what you need to do, one, become more fresh and hygienic, two, be more confident and take that trashy clothes you have sucka!! And three, learn more on the girls cuz they can be wilinβ¦ β Spencer got it, so then he dressed nicely, mad sure over a girls mind, and even be more hygienic and ready.
At school, he walked to the hallways thinking he made it, until some girls complimented on him and one of them said it to him and he said β thanks, hey since you know, you want to be with someone do you want to be a relation? β as then the girls screamed and left and a group of gals said β hey! Letβs get him!!! β and Spencer beaten up purposely. Until Deshawn showed and Spencer said β you- sa-said this- would workβ¦ β and Deshawn being the usual he said β sucka, I told you to know the womenβs mind yoβ¦ β and Ryan showed up with Rari and Luna as they said β ayo, what happened to ya! β and Spencer said β I got mauled by girls, I just- canβt do this guys I try my best but I canβt! β and Luna said β hey, itβs ok cause everyone is going to be like this to you so youβre dead meatβ¦ β and Spencer defeated over not having love he said to his mind * maybe, I shouldnβt do this, yeah instead of having a girlfriend I can just have friend not girlfriends! Yeah! * as Spencer then told what he thought and everyone was cheerful for him!
Spencer remembered that you donβt need girls to love since anyone you met and or cared would love you moreβ¦
Chapter 5:Christmas & A New Year!
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>In a the final days,
Christmas was here, and the thing Ryan wanted was a video game console as then Dionne made plans by inviting Ryanβs friends and family! Ryan didnβt like the family but for friends it was kinda alright. Ryan said β man! Christmas is really here and a year will be finished until Iβm 12! β as then visitors came as they came along. Rari showed up and met Ryanβs siblings and family which others didnβt like over the style she used to wearβ¦
Spencer and Deshawn came along with Luna and Alex. Everyone was here! As then it was snowing since rarely it doesnβt happen. Ryan had everything for him to go outside and then everyone came in to play, they first played snowball which Ryan loved, it was a boy vs girl match, as they were in heavy duty battle, the boys were a little dramatic over the thing. When Spencer got shot in the head Ryan quickly dragged Spencer and said to him β Spencer Iβm sorryβ¦ β and Spencer said β Avenge me broβ¦ β as Ryan dramatically cried in a funny way. As the girls were kinda confused, Later one, they headed for dinner and turkey was fed with every food. Everyone was stuffed. Ryan and Rari headed outside for a nice winter snow, Ryan then saw Rari happy and joyful until both played with each other until laying down, Rari at top and Ryan on bottom. They felt kinda emotional to each other until the point where they were in a hidden place until interrupted by Luna which she kissed Ryan too. Both girls were growling for Ryan until the day ended and everyone went home. Until New Yearβs Eve, and as expected everyone celebrated the New Years! Which in their year was another one, the day finally ended for everyone as they finally went home for now on.
As for his gift, it was a gaming console and others like a perfume and countless more stuff for his age, since heβs maturing.
Ryan woke up for a fresh start in the New Years, who knows what will happen next, only for Ryan to tell the story! But one thing was left as Ryan and Rari sat with each otherβ¦ Ryan said β Rari, will you be my forever girlfriend and that you will be mine? β and Rari sobbing she said yes until kissed Luna. On the other hand was walking until seeing Ryan as she went in speeds to kiss him as she did actually and even said β Ryan, you will be mine, even if Iβve had to sacrifice it!! ``As he was in a long triangle of love, the little guy sure knew it was a good day.
since he is 12β¦
Chapter 1: Summer Camp
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>When the new year started and six months had passed for Ryan, Summer was here! Even tho it will be a desert around the city, Ryan was excited for the summer his mom told his to check the new mail until going outside, afterwards he saw Rari walking until both greeting each other meanwhile Ryan read all the mail until seeing a slip for signing in a summer camp, Ryan and Rari both saw the permission slip of sorts and Rari excited since she actually have one, and Ryan with a grim face since he likes his summers inside. Afterwards, Ryan told his mom about this and she said β Ryan, I think you should go there, since itβs summer and you need exercise a bit, Ryan, you need socialize! β and Ryan whined β but mom!~ please, I donβt really want to go, what if I get lost or something? β but his mom didnβt listen, so now, Ryan was going to the summer camp! With Rari and others whoβve joined.
Three days later, Ryan and Rari went to the bus for the camp, until even seeing Luna, Spencer and Deshawn! Ryan was still not eager to go but no choice to matter, as he grabbed his packed bags and saw other kids in the bus. As they drove off to the forests they went their driving for an hour, Ryan was sandwiched from Rari and Luna, and Deshawn was tucked with Spencer over a big kid. As they finished driving they saw the counselor as even Ryan saw another bus with more kids! The counselor stepped in and announced β Hello! My name is Ms. Lily and I will be your counselor in this summer camp with other staff and people that will help you in this wonderful three month fun! Come on in and see what team you are in! And of course itβs separated over boys and girls so no touchy! Come on! ``With everyone going Ryan saw his name on board for the team he was in which only saw Spencer in it and other kids. Ryan went to see the beautiful environment of the forests with the rays of the sun blocking him. As everyone was asked for their name they went to see the cabins, Ryan then saw the huge lake as he asked β hey can we swim on that lake? β and one staff said Yes, and with Ryan kinda glad he has a pairs of shorts and underwear, as they went in it was quite gloomy but still comfortable for the beds and furniture. Ryan put everything on the bed and with a microphone on point he went outside to see what happened as an announcement was madeβ¦ Ryan heard the rules and even the acceptance of going swimming in the lake with only supervisors, and even breakfast, lunch and dinner for every day. As then when everything was ending on the announcement, Ryan saw the other kids playing and having fun and even learning on stuff with jump ropes, and exploring forests! He saw it awesome enough to have fun and everything.
Ryan saw Rari and Luna and greeted them, with Spencer and Deshawn with the gang all here they had fun for the day , next, Ryan went to breakfast and ate some bacon and eggs which was decent. Afterwards he went on activities like how to tie a knit or even to protect yourself from heat strokeβ¦ which was all useful and even went hiking. That night, Ryan was there sleeping, which himself was happy with. `` This summer is fun, hope you are doing well, Mom, β Ryan said. As he drifted to sleep.
Chapter 2: Camp Days and Chatting..
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>Ryan woke up in the second day of school, which he first ate some breakfast. Later on, the camp saw a full list of rules of being in camp as first, they did archery, Ryan grabbed the tools and went in to shoot. Ryan was terrible at doing this and so others. But a later he got the hang of it, later on one of the staff checked on Ryan which made him kinda nervous, Ryan saw a high school with grey hair and having a white tank top with her blue jacket. As with sweatpants, The Counselor said to Ryan β hey dude, doing alright? β and Ryan responding β oh! Yeah Iβm good! β as they chatted awhile Rari saw Ryan communicating with a girl which made her jealous, as for Spencer, he was super terrible at it which the point Deshawn said β Dudeβ¦ give me it! β as Deshawn made a full shot, which Spencer was annoyed at. Afterwards, they did swimming which they were good at, Rari was scared of the water, with Ryan and his instructor ways of helping Rari swimming, but Ryan saw Rari with her swimsuit which made a small nosebleed for his nose but then able and Ryan had to gran Rari if anything goes wrong as he was swimming he saw Rari swimming in her glory and Luna right behind Ryan which spook him! Luna saw that Ryan was peeking over which made Rari kinda aroused and Ryan trying to persuade Luna it wasnβt in intention β Yeah? Then how come peeking? β Luna said, as Ryan replied β no no! You got it all wrong! β as everyone in confusion over the yelling.
Later at night, they did theyβre first sβmores! Ryan sitting next with Luna and Rari. Spencer and Deshawn were broβs moment by learning which Spencer screamed how big the fire. After everyone was asleep, Rari was sneezing to see Ryan which she her moves of being sneaky. Rari saw Ryan, which she tucked in with Ryan, he saw Rari laying down with her, as he was overwhelm of being caught he accepted and slept cautiously! As Ryan was drifted to sleep over the great smell Rari had. He smelled her hair and touched her hips.
Morning time! It came, as everyone did theyβre own business, Ryan met the staff worker he chatted as she introduced herself β well, my name is Aiden!! β and Ryan introducing himself too!
as they both walked and talked to each other, an activity was in place, which was hiking. Ryan got ready with a bottle of water and everyone ready, which they needed to a find a special item and even see the landscape! Ryan was ready with a group and Rari! As they hiked, Rari stayed close to Ryan, as both were holding hands Rari was biting her lips until Ryan distracted by a flipping squirrel and Rari disappointed, in the end of the day both people went on cabins until Aiden showing up on Ryan and said β hey dude! If you wanna talk to me, Iβll be heading every time on the fields so yeah see ya! β and Ryan felt great! As he went to sleep and other boys in the cabin, Rari slept and Luna having Ryan as her only thing to sleepβ¦
Chapter 3: Capture The Flag
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>Another has started, while then all of the kids in the camp were pretty excited about a new event, which was a paintball event or a Capture The Flag game, Ryan was pretty pumped up about it while Spencer and some others were nervous. It would start at night, as it was followed anyway. As it began, everyone used their goggles and protection. While using ammo for their paint guns, they were only small balls that look like a paint ball. Afterwards, everyone began into a big two groups and everyone headed off to capture the flag! Ryan went dashing towards the area while hearing people panicking and others getting eliminated! Ryan was at his best of being quiet until one of the opposite teams. Ryan saw Rari, as they both met they surfed through the forest trying to get the flag safely until seeing the base. Until other people of the team went with their guns on them to eliminate as they captured the flag! Ryan then went in until another group got in on them and eliminated them.. Ryan quickly grabbed the flag and hid in the forest as both ran as fast as they could until they heard paint gun shots! As they finally ran towards the base and first made the point!!
Round two came and as for Spencer he went like a coward, Deshawn knew what to do and he wanted to win, Spencer said to Deshawn `` Dude! Donβt go, you might get eliminated! β and Deshawn ignored the warning as he shot five of the opposite team as he congratulated himself with a pat on the shoulder! As when Spencer, he went running cowardly towards the enemy base as he was there he got shot and went in to the counselors to stay, while on that, Luna was not participating but more likely a guard over the people eliminated. As then Deshawn saw a kid getting the flag as he ran back he got away safely until saw the kid get shot and he quickly took the flag and went in for the paint while seeing Ryan and Rariβ¦ as then the team won from Ryan! As then it ended and everyone went to sleep. The next day, Ryan was a little sleepy until doing his routine he went out to hike. Ryan then hiked out with a staff and a group of kids while they learned about wildlife! Later Ryan was all tired from the walking until Rari came in, they went into the Forest to relax with each other as Rari on top of Ryan and with lustful and charming attempts she only tried nothing when Ryan stopped her from doing so as he said β sorry, Rari, but I am CHRISTIAN!! β As Rari was a little confused, she accepted and both left the ground later at night. Everyone was doing sβmores eating and enjoying life, one staff member said β well, look people itβs some shooting star night! As the sky showed some shooting stars, everyone was surprised and impressed! Ryan saw the full sky, full of meaning! Until they headed to sleep again, as Ryan went into his sleep mode for Rari, she was annoyed by her boyfriend, Ryan, as she then drifted to sleep too!
Chapter 4: Final Day
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>After all the events and fun being around it was almost time to go only for a week! Ryan then enjoyed his days with his friends in the summer. But that didnβt happen to Rari since she was kinda sad over not having a time with Ryan by herself. She said β Ryan why are you being only concentrating on just yourselfβ¦ β as she only thought wrong, she planned to leave as she packed up and went in going away, Ryan saw her and ran towards her as Rari was crying over a dumb thing. β Rariβ¦ why are you like this? Itβs like Iβm leaving you! But Iβm not.. β and Rari sobbed until Ryan made the move to kiss as they kissed together happily and both lay down to the ground as they kissed tightly until Rari made her mind.
as for the week they made a final even which was to hike towards a small region of a lake with teams of making their first! Ryan was with his team and others with theirs. When it started, Ryan went exploring to see with Spencer and as then they thought they were lost as they have a map to find it, Ryan then which direction as he said β hmm, I think this way! β as Spencer was worried to be lost he just lost it! β dude, weβre lost we donβt know and am I going to die like this? β Ryan slapped Spencer saying β no! We are not going to die, I know weβre we are which close to were we should go! As long we get it first! β as then they hiked with parental supervision,until they see a flag towards a beautiful landscape of plants and water! As they, obviously, won and they went back to the camp and won a trophy made out of wood but still satisfied as everyone clapped and cheered and others in tearsβ¦
It was the final day, and everyone went to their last meals of the day and last campfire sβmores and last swimming too, as they all packed their stuff and even their things and waited in the parking lot to were they were picked at, Ryan then said goodbye to everyone, as Ryan saw he was going on a carpool with his friends, Rari, Luna, Spencer and Deshawn with his mom! As they drove off the camp they had their good times! With all in that ending they will expect the 7th grade as a new year for their lives!
Chapter 1: Boy's Vs. Girls
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>The second year of school has started, and Ryan woke in joy for the new days as he packed up for his backpack and went to school, as he was strolling he saw Rari waiting for him! Rari said β hey Boo! β and Ryan responded β oh, hey Rari! β and then they hurried to school while then they made it into seeing fliers and even people giving new textbooks for the new year! As then they met Deshawn and Spencer, later Luna came in as the gang saw the school with students on getting new textbooks. As they entered, they got new schedules and they went to there classes. Rari saw that his classes are way different than others while having math.
Ryan gave no buts and went to his class, later on he liked it, When it ended Ryan went to his second he kinda hated. Later, he went to his math class, which the same for him. Later he went to lunch with his friends! And liked the food, Ryan then went to all his classes. Until in the end of the day, Ryan went home, and took a nap. The morning after, Ryan went to school, as he entered he heard of how girls get more stuff than boys, and some others claim over girls. Ryan felt suspicious as he asked for context until how girls get more or be better than boys, as said they wanted a wat with the girls of the school, Ryan felt ready for the war, which was great for him, but Rari and Luna, Ryan said β Dang it, I forgotβ¦ well, I can do this! β as it was on! Boys Vs. Girlsβ¦
Chapter 2: WARFARE
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>In one month, everyone in the school was intrigued over the Boys Vs. Girls warfare. Ryan with a quiet courage he ventured to where the guys would be after school, until seeing the team, which was five with Spencer and Deshawn. As they planned they headed to the street. Hoping to see a girl for war until seeing some girls as they used theyβre water guns and splashed theyβre aim towards the girl which made them angry and leaving quickly until they went after other girls. Afterwards, they got ambushed by girls who were waiting as they also splashed the guys luckily nobody got hurt.
Ryan woke up the next day for the weekend, as then when morning ended, he strolled to a park until seeing Spencer running for his life. As he shouted β GIRLS!! β and quickly Ryan ran with Spencer as they hid in a tree covered with bushes. Ryan asked Spencer β Dude, what happened! β Spencer said β Dude! It was warfare. The girls were ganging up on us!! Luckily I escaped to survive but now itβs a lot worse, even more are coming!! β as they hid in Ryanβs house, as he waited a little until seeing a couple of girls walking with theyβre water guns and wooden sticks. As then Spencer said β Ryan, I have to sacrifice myself so that you can go on!! Just wait right here! Ryan said β no dude!! Youβre going to get wet! ``As then Ryan heard the distant talking over Spencer β Hey, pussy cats! Come back here, you know you want me! Hey, hey! Stay down! No no please! Oww, Agh! Stop! Noooo! ``As then the girls left while Ryan headed towards Spencer as he said β dude! What the heck!? β and Spencer said β my guyβ¦ I saved your lifeβ¦. Ugh.. Iβm going homeβ¦ ``As Spencer headed home, Ryan went back to his house trying to cope with what happened.
but then he heard a scream and Rari running, until a pack of Boys tried to wet her, as then Ryan gestured to Rari to hide in his house. As he left quickly with her. As then Rari said β why? Are boys like a pack of wolves? Ryan just tried to cope with Rari, afterwards he said β Rari, I will protect youβ¦ alright β as Ryan and Rari cuddled together for the longest until Ryan went with Rari to her house and put her in her house. As he left, he saw it was going to be a long month of warfareβ¦
Chapter 3: A Final End
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>As then, now on. Ryan had voice cracks and even odor, Ryan then got ready to be a man. Afterwards, he got advice of having a TALK with his friends about since he didnβt like it but later he got used to it. Ryan heard about the sudden breakout over a place when Boys and Girls will battle each other, as then, Luna came and said β Ryan, will you ever go out with me? Sorry, I just really want to be with you! Even though this sudden *war* is going onβ¦ but will you? β Ryan answered β Luna, umm β until interrupted by Rari, once again. As she said β Hey! Luna! Donβt. Steal. My. Man! β Ryan responded β Since when I became your man!? β later on at night, Ryan saw the place which was close to home, Ryan then saw a house that had poster of man and women war. Ryan was now annoyed and had to stop. It was getting in sunset. So then he went by, seeing the guys and girls arguing until he shouted and announced β EVERYBODY CHILL THE FUDGE DOWN!! I get it, we guys donβt like girls cuz of their angsty personality, you girls over our man power. But THIS has to stop!
Alright. So, letβs just call it quits and everyone just go home! β as he left and went far away from the house, as he went to a bus stop and later seeing Rari and Luna, as they both said β Ryan, weβre sorryβ¦ we are here to say that we love you! β and Ryan with a smirk he forgives. Later, he sat in the middle and both girls on the side. After, he was kinda uncomfortable over them being touchy over him. Finally, they got home as they said their goodbyes. Ryan then was all done with this! But later he just went home and to bed for the weekend. But something was missingβ¦ as a year another passed. And he turned β13β he was on puberty but then, one day, something will happenβ¦
Chapter 4: Blaze The Fireballβ¦Is Born!
(Click "Expand" to read this chapter)>After all the happenings over Ryanβs life, as he grew to 13, and puberty hinted him, and even aging life choices and fun. It was time from his declension, a week before, Ryan was ready for the next week of school of becoming an 8th grader, as he wanted to enjoy life to the fullest with his friends and family. Ryan wanted to, until she met Rari on the street, as she said β Ryanβ¦ β as she holden Ryanβs hand β Please, be mine! But to the fullest! I want you to be my soulmate, lover, and even my partner in life! β Ryan without hesitation he kissed Rari as they enjoyed the moment. Later on, Ryan went with his friends to a mall, enjoyed lunch and beginning to find street foods. As all of them were so happy.
Later on in a few days in Saturday, Ryan felt ready as he took deodorant for his body, hair gel, and anything new for him. But then in mega surprise, his friends showed up as they were invited to sleep over. And they hungout, Alex joined on the fun. And they had a good time. When they slept, Ryan had a dream, a vision were he was standing over a platform and seeing a world. Later he was meted to a yellow bright being, as it said β donβt be afraid, as I will choose you for a world to save, you have been chosen for your personality and even a special one to save, you will be granted powers that no human would posses, and you will have three lives. But now in the first day of your week will be your day of heroism and now belonging to a new world, Ryan, you shall leaveβ¦ β as Ryan woke up sweating and panting which was Vision that none would get. Later, Sunday, Ryan wanted to enjoy his last day from his awaking day until enjoying the great view over Downtown! As Ryanβs friends also chilled. Then in a distance a yellow being was watching Ryan and Ryan with a face of remembrance, now he knew. Monday, the day were he was chosen. Ryan woke up and got ready for his first day of 8th grade school. As he said his goodbyes and taking out the trash. He saw what everything change, a PORTAL.
Afterwards with everything, happening, Blaze The Fireball⦠was born.