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Original Characters Wiki

Peter Jones Jr. is a player character from a private and currently ongoing Dungeons and Dragons x Call of Cthulhu TTRPG campaign, called Wanderlust.

The character is created and controlled by Harpyrinth.

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Peter tends to be very mellow and laid back, however with those he's comfortable with, he can become quite the goofball. He genuinely likes interacting with people, but his anxiety and past surrounding social interaction holds him back from pursing most friendships. When Peter's high, he's goofier and looser in his behavior and may make questionable decisions or commentary.

Peter is quite concrete in his "steal bread to feed your family" beliefs and holds punk values.

Peter can be very self-conscious and therefore easy to embarrass, he is also very easily nauseated. Angering Peter isn't easy, he does his best to avoid any visual display of it due to a fear of acting like his father. When he is angry, Peter feels like he's about to cry. In general, Peter may tear up when he's overwhelmed. He's not one to be confrontational about his gripes with someone in order to avoid personal conflicts and more scrutiny on his plate.


Peter is 18 years old, 5'11, muscular, has brown eyes and a dark brown mullet, freckles and acne. He also has a middle tooth gap, braces, gauges and glasses. He is half Salvadoran and white American.

Peter prefers to wear loose and masculine clothing, typically falling into grunge fashion. He prefers to wear plain clothing to avoid attention, however if Peter could do so without concern, he'd dress more openly punk. Peter never takes off the matching dog tags he shares with Brad. While Peter used to enjoy feminine clothing as a child, he does not currently feel comfortable stepping back into that fashion.


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Sandra Romano
While Peter's mother wasn't objectively as bad as his father in his eyes, he still strongly dislikes his mother. Peter is fully aware of the struggles his mother went through during her time with his father, and can sympathize with her. However, Peter finds it difficult to forgive her for her neglect and abandonment and refuses to excuse or justify it. Peter no longer has contact with his mother and prefers it remain that way.

Matthew Jones
Peter hates his father and blames him for most of what went wrong in his family. He remembers his father as a constantly aggravated man who'd purposefully intimidate him or become physically aggressive. A statement from Sandra, β€œYou’re acting just like your father” when he was angry with her for leaving when he was still a kid rings in his head to this day, making him avoid visual displays of anger. Peter no longer has contact with his father and never wants to.

Diana Romano
Peter loves his grandmother very much. He feels guilty for being a brat to her when he was struggling in middle school after his parents left and uncle died. He knows Diana understands and forgives him, and he does his best to respect her and do all he can for her. Diana is old and his only current guardian. He's incredibly grateful for his grandmother and always tries to help her out of gratitude and concern for her health.

Peter Jones
Peter sees his Uncle as his truer father figure and sometimes wishes he had been his kid instead, but he knows that's impossible. Uncle Jones was Peter's primary caretaker after Sandra and looked after him when she couldn't or when his father was emotionally absent. Uncle Jones also viewed Peter as his own kid. Peter misses his Uncle a lot, but has made peace with his death, sometimes he wonders what he'd think if he saw him now.

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Bradley is Peter's best friend since middle school. Before meeting Peter, Brad was often a shy and outspoken kid, but Peter's extroverted personality in middle school rubbed off on him and he soon became highly opinionated and outspoken. Brad would stand up for Peter when he was bullied but got the same treatment, Brad however was less phased than Peter from this. The two lose each other and value each other most out of all their friends, doing almost everything together before being separated, including an assumably platonic kiss. However their recent relationship is in quite a predicament. Ever since the events of Wanderlust have started, Peter has barely responded to Brad over texts and eventually has forgotten to text him back completely. Brad is hurt by this but hasn't communicated it. meanwhile, Peter feels awful for ignoring his messages but can't tell him about his current life in fear of risking Brad's involvement and safety. Brad went from passive aggressive texts to no longer talking to him since the events of Detentionaire. His last text to Peter was "k." Peter noticed Brad's silence after the events of Blossoming Friendship, but still has not texted him despite being worried he pushed Brad too far away that he may cut him off.

Had Peter re-met Iris in sophomore year, he would’ve had a dislike of her because she’s a cheerleader, but upon meeting her in the beginning of Wanderlust he was neutral towards her. However after the events of β€œBlossoming Hope”, he has complicated feelings about her having used to be close friends. He feels like he hasn't exactly gotten closure as to why she abandoned their friendship in middle school, his own reasoning was that she was under stressors of social pressure with either being popular or picked on, he isn't angry at her and understands. For a while, he felt awkward around her wondering if she remembers him or at least what happened, but after talking about things in β€œBlossoming Friendship” he feels comfortable with now. However, the more time he spends with her the more he begins to remember things about their friendship and how much it hurt when it ended suddenly. He’s a bit worried the friendship won’t last, he feels a warm bittersweet feeling when he’s around her.

Peter likes Phil as a friend, he doesn’t know much about him but was a bit surprised to see how concerned he was for him when he got shot, and appreciated it. He also very much appreciated Phil taking one for the team by mercy-killing the kindred at the beach, however he feels awful that he had to do that.

Peter really likes Markus as a brother, he feels more familiar with him and comfortable than anyone else in the group having bonded with him the most by carrying him out of the ball pit, tasting strange substances together, and saving him from the mini mushrooms during β€œDetentionaire” He especially feels like they’ve been through a lot together after their school trip to Beaver Beach. Peter feels slightly protective of Markus in the reality world, but knows he can hold his own in the dream world. However he gets concerned for Markus’ mental health considering the traumatizing things they’ve seen and been through, especially considering he has fragile physical health and is only 15.

Peter is neutral about Lilac and sees her as an ally, he thinks she looks adorable in her dream form because he likes cats. He has texted with her in the Dreamers group chat and doesn’t actually believe her claims that she’s incredibly rich. After the events of "Framed by Memory," Peter is more understanding of Lilac's withdrawn personality and passive aggressive attitude.

Peter is neutral about Lucy and sees her as an ally, he's thankful for her help at Beaver Beach and likes her style.

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Rand began bullying Peter in middle school, and unbeknownst to Peter, it was because Rand had always had a crush on Iris as well and became jealous of their close relationship. When Rand took notice of Iris being happier with Peter than him, he became insecure and began bullying Peter. He then later had Iris cut Peter off. After Iris and Rand broke up in sophomore year, Rand was bullied Peter a lot less, and Peter took notice to the lack of passion. Rand's current method of bullying Peter has become more of a routine for them. Peter used to hate Rand, but since he's laid off of him as of lately, and with his new baggage of troubles, Peter has a less passionate hate for Rand and assumes he got bored of bullying him.

Harpy: "...Rand's having a bad day and bro's like 'man can you just get in the locker?' with the most exasperated voice."
Summre: "Yea I can imagine it whenever you guys just accidentally pass by each other: Peter: 'Oh here we go again...' Rand: *sighs* 'You know the deal Peter.' Peter: 'Yep.' *Rand opens a locker and Peter just walks in. Rand slams it.* Peter: 'Hope to see you never!' Rand: 'Do better at hiding Pee-tree.'"

The "Rad" Gang
Rand's "friend group", which is really just a fan-boy and his friends seeking to impress Rand and gain status, would physically bully Peter by jumping him or forcing his head into the school toilets. Rand was never present when the group would do this and never took to attacking Peter, According to Summre, "...all Rand did was stuff Peter in lockers and call him names, he didn’t really know how to bully people."

[link is to a short google doc about the members of the group]

Mr. Govoni
Gulliver Govoni is Peter's landlord, an old man with a stained white tank-top who reeks of beer. Ever since Matthew left the family, Govoni has tried to cause trouble for Peter and his grandmother to steer them towards leaving because he makes less money off of them than he did with Peter's father. Because he can't find a legal reason to kick them out, Govoni takes to repeatedly putting off replacing their old and damaged key, refusing to have old pipes repaired if they don't make a "pre-payment," as well as more made up statements to either make money off of them or make their home life uncomfortable. Govoni used to believe he got along with Matthew and acted very buddy-buddy with him, knowing he had money. Matthew was incredibly annoyed by him.

Background Story

(NOTE: Peter is briefly referred to by his deadname up until his transition, as to avoid confusion with his identically named uncle.)

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Peter Jones moves from Michigan to Kansas for the family automotive business and falls in love with a woman there. He uses his formal allowance to care for her in their new home together. Eventually they try to have kids, but find out Peter is infertile. Despite loving him deeply, the woman leaves Peter. Peter’s family then finds out and accuses Peter of using his money for a prostitute and committing adultery, so they cut off his formal allowance. Peter is eventually tight on money and can’t move out of Kansas.

Matthew Jones flies from Michigan to Kansas for a business trip. He uses the formal allowance of his parents to take multiple women out on dates and to private hotels without their knowledge. One night he meets Sandra Romano at a nightclub, and he flatters her and spoils her. Eventually they sleep together. After a month of flings, Matthew ignores calls from Sandra, but she eventually finds his hotel after researching his name and family business, to confront him in person. Sandra then says that if he leaves her she will call his family to tell them he’s been using his money to sleep around with women, and became a deadbeat after getting her pregnant. Matthew’s family is a strict one in faith, and this would ruin his relationship and reputation, so he agrees to stay in Kansas. Matthew falsely claims to his family that he suddenly β€œfell in love” and marries Sandra before announcing the pregnancy. His parents cut off his formal allowance assuming that because he’s married he no longer needs their money as a man of the house.

Matthew finds him and Sandra a good enough house in Kansas. Sandra demands her mother moves in with them and he obliges. As they live together Sandra tries to find ways to make herself more appealing to Matthew, and tries to fix his attitude. Matthew puts up a β€œloving” front for the sake of his reputation, but as Sandra’s pregnancy goes on he begins shifting his gaze to other women. Peter begins to visit often out of excitement for his upcoming niece or nephew, but also out of concern for Sandra since he’s familiar with Matthew’s treatment of women. Sandra was wary of Peter at first, believing he may be like his brother, but eventually she’s able to trust him and appreciate his company.

Early Childhood
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The daughter of Sandra and Matthew is now born and they name her β€œPeony Romano Jones”, β€œPenny” for short. After Penny was born, Sandra and Matthew were caring parents for the baby phase, but the bitterness and toxicity of their relationship with each other eventually tainted their relationship with their child, creating a household of constant arguments and petty bickering. As time went on, it was clear that Matthew despised being this kid’s father, she was a constant reminder of his screw-up and he felt thrown into a life he wasn’t ready to handle. It would get to a point where he would drag Penny away from wherever he was without a warning whether by the arm or hair, most commonly later in the day after work when he didn’t want to deal with anything or anyone. His rough behavior was called out by Peter but Matthew often brushed him off. So Peter did what he could to lift Penny’s spirits, often taking her out for ice cream and asking her about school before she could talk to her dad on his β€œoff days” or after a rough encounter with him. Eventually Peter began to see Penny as his own daughter, not correcting people who’d assume she was his kid at parks.

Sandra tried to be a caring mother to Penny, but she often brushed her off to focus on her relationship with Matthew. She would instead tell Penny β€œdon’t bother me right now” when she was upset, or occasionally yelled her anger out at her. Matthew would neglect Sandra’s mother, Diana’s, medical needs which erupted many arguments and created a lot of tension at the time. Diana spent most of her time in bed, but she loved the time she could have with Penny. Both of Penny’s parents eventually became very neglectful.

While working on his truck, Peter finds a stray calico kitten under the hood and adopts it, naming her β€œPing Pong,” he brought Ping Pong over often enough that Penny grew up with her around, and eventually Penny absolutely loved cats a lot, so much that she squealed in joy when Peter got her a cat headband for her birthday.

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In 3rd grade, Penny finds a girl crying behind the tree next to their classroom. She asks what’s wrong, and it turns out the girl’s parents had cancelled some plans she was excited for. In an attempt to cheer her up, she shows her β€œGalaga” on her DS and lets her play the game. It works, the girl introduces herself as β€œIris” and the two become best friends shortly after.

Around 5th grade Iris is supposed to take a ballet class, but doesn’t want to do so alone. Penny eagerly volunteers, and despite not doing well in the class she was happy to be with her friend. Peter would drive Penny to the class and sometimes take her to the local park or arcade to play together after. Once after seeing Iris walk to the dance class alone, he decided to drive her as well out of concern for her safety. After realizing they were friends, Peter also brought her along with Penny for the park and arcade.

Eventually the two made friendship bracelets for each other.

Summer Before Middle School
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By this time, Matthew's gaze upon other women was taken too far and he eventually began an affair with his receptionist, Camilla. Sandra had already been suspicious that he’d cheat for quite some time, beginning arguments with him in the living room about being at work too late. Things get louder at home which increases stress for Penny.

Peter is on his way to the vet with Ping-Pong when he spots Penny crying on the porch as he drives by her house. He stops and asks her what’s wrong; her parents are arguing loudly again and she misses Peter. Around this time, Peter is struggling with bills and working a lot of extra hours so he wasn’t able to visit often, so he promises her that after taking Ping-Pong to the vet he’d grab their favorite cookies and ice-cream and they’d spend the rest of the day at the park. However on the way home, Peter’s car kept breaking down as if something didn’t want him to drive. Later that night, Penny’s father received a call that Peter had been hit badly by a drunk driver. Neither Peter nor Ping-Pong survived and the drunk driver got away. Diana tried to console Penny but she ended up crying until she was exhausted.

About a month after, Sandra finds out about Matthew’s affair with his secretary after the secretary becomes pregnant. Matthew spits nasty words at Sandra, telling her having a child β€œruined” her body. She screams him out of the house and soon after they’re officially divorced and Sandra sues him in court, wins the case, and uses the money to restore her mother’s health. Matthew moves to the east coast with his secretary. Diana tries to cheer up Penny with ice-cream.

Sandra is now the only one working for the household and paying expenses, barely keeping them afloat. She ignores Penny’s presence most days regretting that she ever decided to keep her when she could've had a "real" family by now, she feels like she wasted a decade of her life having locked Matthew in with a baby in an attempt to use his money for her mother, which was withheld up until now anyway.

Penny struggles a lot with emotional regulation and acts out at home, talking back to her mom and getting into yelling arguments with her. Sandra yells back at Penny, β€œYou’re acting just like your father” and it sticks with Penny for a long time. Because of this, Penny would eventually avoid showing any visual anger from this point forward.

Middle School (6th grade)
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Penny begins to be picked on by the other kids as she’s called many things and especially after they find out her full name is β€œPeony Jones” and they begin to call her β€œPee on my jeans” and would throw water at her pants to make it seem like she had an accident.

Iris began to become distant from Penny later in the first year. Penny assumed it was because she was getting into cheer and had less time on her hands to hang out. However, the more Penny missed Iris, the more it made her think about the reasons she missed her, which led to thinking about the reasons why she liked her, and eventually Penny realized her crush on Iris. With the money she was able to have from him, Sandra decided she couldn't take it anymore and needed to start over quickly before she couldn’t have kids anymore, so she moved to Arizona to become a nurse to make money and hopefully meet someone new. Penny begged her mom to stay, but Sandra left, leaving Diana behind to take care of Penny alone. Sandra allowed her to keep the child support checks from Matt and do as she wanted with them, split the rest of the case money with her, and occasionally she would send the money she makes as well, the amount of which increased after becoming a nurse. Diana was also supported by government checks.

Penny spends the beginning of her first year alone as Iris spends more time with her new circle, after a few months she meets a shy boy named Brad, who compliments her bumblebee shirt. It sparks a passionately nerdy conversation and the two become great friends, Brad gifts Penny an old bumblebee figure. Over time, Penny’s openness rubs off on Brad and he begins to become a more outspoken person too, eventually developing a small crush on Penny.

Around this time, Penny is struggling a lot mentally. Diana, now feeling healthy enough to do so, does her best to keep her spirits up and take her out for ice-cream. Penny felt β€œtoo old” for the park, so they went to the arcade instead. To make extra money, Diana worked in customer support from home aside from cleaning houses.

Middle School (7th grade)
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Penny determines that she is lesbian. As she watches groups of boys hanging out and being friends, she feels a bitter feeling in her chest. She assumes that means she’s uncomfortable with them but also concludes with herself that boys probably wouldn’t welcome her presence anyway or like her, with the exception of Brad. On top of that, she has a crush on Iris and hadn’t experienced any attraction to boys.

Penny tells Brad about her crush on Iris and wonders if she should confess. Brad warns her against it, telling Penny that Iris hangs out with toxic people and is a bad friend for side-lining her, but Penny justifies her behavior saying that being a cheerleader must be stressful. Brad doesn’t like Iris, and tells Penny it’s a stupid idea and asks if she even considered whether or not Iris liked girls too, to which Penny realizes he may be right about not confessing. Penny then changes her mind, saying her crush must be making her awkward around Iris which may be why their friendship is drifting; So even if Iris didn’t reciprocate, Penny felt it would be relieving, and better for the friendship, for her to get her feelings off her chest.

Penny decides to invite Iris to the cherry blossom tree at their childhood park after school. Under the tree, Penny confesses to Iris, telling her it’s okay if she didn’t like her back, but she liked her a lot. Iris laughs nervously, and then responds, ”Penny, I’m dating someone. Why would I date you? I’m sorry but I don’t return these feelings.” and then leaves. To which Penny is bummed out and sits down, misinterpreting the laughter as Iris laughing at her. Not long afterward the school bully, Rand, shows up with his buddies who have axes in their hands. Rand confronts Penny for confessing to his girlfriend, Penny tries to explain that she didn’t know but Rand wasn’t having it, and he held her back as his friends began chopping away at her childhood tree. After they’re done, Penny falls to her knees sobbing before Rand calls her β€œPee-tree” and leaves.

Word goes around and a lot of Rand’s friends begin bullying Penny. To avoid unwanted attention, she dresses less colorful and more plainly to fit in with everyone else. Brad begins going in the opposite direction with his fashion and defends Penny when he can.

Middle School (8th grade)
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Penny really only feels comfortable around Brad and her other friendships end over time from petty rumors by Rand’s friends and overall people not wanting to associate with the β€œschool loser.” Brad eventually becomes Penny’s only actual friend, other than that she just has friendly acquaintances among the more geeky clubs.

Towards the end of middle-school, Penny realizes they may be transgender, and realizes their discomfort of guys may actually be gender-envy, that it’s not that they think boys won’t like them but instead won’t accept them, and that they feel upset watching boys hang out among each other because they long to experience that as well. However, Penny puts off settling these feelings out until summer to avoid further scrutiny, and only tells Brad.

Penny is too overwhelmed by the bullying and depressed by their loneliness in school when Brad isn’t there considering he’s their only friend, but even he has other friends to keep up with outside of them. The most mentally painful thing however, is to think of Iris and their old friendship. They’re now incredibly upset when thinking about her especially after Brad reexplains the ways in which she was a bad friend. Penny also feels extreme embarrassment when remembering the confession. Penny decides that if Iris wanted to cut them out of her life, they might as well erase her from theirs to spare themself of the mental burden. They can’t bring themself to throw away things that remind them of Iris, so they stuff them away in some boxes and under the bed, they delete all their photos together through tears, and find a distraction every time they think of her. Penny was heartbroken, believing that their friendship and time together meant nothing to Iris.

Penny decides to try marijuana as a memory loss drug when they can’t distract themself enough from Iris, out of curiosity Brad decides to try it with them, so they buy some from a friend's β€œfriend.” Penny and Brad try it at Penny’s house when their grandma isn’t home. It’s not like the movies and sucks, but the effects are fun and they start giggling and having fun together, and go somewhere to snack after. Penny later on notices how quickly it got their mind off of Iris, so from that point forward they’d smoke when they thought of her, then when they thought of embarrassing memories, after being bullied, on stressful days, and eventually it became a regular way to relieve stress.

Summer Before High School
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Penny sorts out their feelings. They’re confused on whether this is another way of grieving Peter, or if this is truly them. After looking into online queer spaces and questioning themself, Penny concludes that he’s a trans boy, and dismisses the label of lesbian. He lets Brad know and he of course accepts him, but when asking if his name will remain the same, Penny isn’t sure and just tells Brad to call him PJ.

PJ then has trouble trying to figure out his transition. What he thought was insecurity with developing femininely, he knew now to be gender dysphoria. In a panic of being hit with feminine puberty like a truck, PJ rushed to make himself as masculine as he could as quickly as he could. He tried on his baggier clothes, threw on three sport bras, and cut his own hair in the mirror. As his grandma came home from one of her many hobby nights, she heard a small β€œouch” from the bathroom with the door slightly open. She peeks in to find PJ cutting his own hair with a tiny cut on his finger, she exclaims in shock and asks what he’s doing, to which PJ starts sobbing and tries to explain himself through tears and breaths. Diana lets go of her dismay, and opens her arms to hug PJ, telling him to breathe so he can explain himself more calmly. As PJ gets out his feelings, Diana doesn’t understand, but she’s sure he needs her support. Diana then caresses PJ’s cheek and tells him, β€œYou look just like your TΓ­o Peter.”

The next day, Diana takes PJ to fix up his hair and on the car ride home, PJ asks if he can be called β€œPeter Jr.” and referred to as her grandson from now on, to which Diana responds that as long as it makes him happy, she’ll call him whatever he wants.

Peter tells Brad about what happened that night, to which Brad tells him that he isn’t a trans expert, but he thinks Peter should take his transition at his own pace and that he’s already valid to the people that care the most about him.

Diana is eventually able to schedule appointments for Peter to begin receiving gender-affirming care by the time freshman year starts. By this time, his closet is already replaced with clothes he can feel more comfortable in.

Peter barely thinks of his parents at this point. They didn’t want to be in his life, so he doesn’t need them in his. He asked his grandma to put away old family photos with them and he deleted his own photos with them from his camera roll. However, his grandma insisted on keeping at least one photo up of them, Peter very reluctantly okayed it but he often turns the photo frame to face down.

Freshman (9th grade)
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Peter is now of legal age to work, and his grandma is beginning to need help with money, so he starts a job at his local ice-cream shop but then gets fired after sneezing in a customer’s ice-cream because it was too cold in the building. Instead, his grandma takes him with her to clean houses while he studies his Uncle’s old technician books for a better job.

Peter decided one day enough is enough, and he’d work out to stop himself from being bullied. He starts working out, gets quite strong, and then is shoved into a locker with zero resistance the next day because the thought of confrontation made him freeze. However his muscles made him happier with his body and allowed him to help his grandma with heavy items, so he stuck with it.

By the middle of freshman year, Peter forgets Iris’ name and face.

Peter begins his transition by trying out binders, they bring him a lot of gender euphoria and he decides he’d like to save up for a top surgery. Diana wants to help out by baking cookies, Peter doesn’t want to discourage her but he knows regular cookies alone won’t sell. So he tells Diana to give him the recipe and he’ll take care of it while she leans back because she already does so much for him. He calls over Brad to bake some β€œspecial” cookies with him and they spread the word at school. Customers would have to say a secret word to buy a cookie so they didn’t accidentally sell to anyone who didn’t wanna get high. Over the course of two weeks they raised a ton of money for Peter’s top surgery. They shut it down the second they had enough because the school staff told local cops there may be drug dealers around after seeing one too many red eyes in their classes.

For a while, the thought of a physical transition like this scares Peter, he’s afraid physically presenting as a man would bring him closer to being like his father, especially considering he takes after him in appearance the most. But he tells himself β€œNo.” to that thought. Matthew was anything but a father to him, his Uncle Peter was more of a father to him than that man ever was. He hopes that looking in the mirror after his complete transition, he’d see a man like his Uncle. The acceptance and core of who he is, is the one thing he will never let anyone take away from him.

Sophomore (10th grade)
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Peter gains a lot of confidence in himself after his successful top surgery. He loves what he sees in the mirror, aside from the shoulders up, and decides to style himself up more. With the help of Brad, he gains multiple ear piercings and a septum piercing. The feeling that he has a fresh start from being unrecognizable to most people from his middle school self makes him feel more secure. However, bullies remain as they are and scrutinize what’s different. His alternative style gains a lot of unwanted attention and he becomes very self conscious again. He decides it best for him to wear what blends him in with the crowd. From this point forward he avoids bullies by hanging out behind the school, sometimes with Brad and sometimes alone. He only smokes when he knows he won’t be caught, but the second he hears jingling keys he dips asap. On rainy or cold days he hangs in the video game club and eventually becomes a moderator for their server.

Peter begins questioning his sexuality again. He knew he liked girls, but after realizing what his feelings towards men in middle school really meant, he wondered if he may be attracted to them. He couldn’t really picture himself with any guy, but here and there his mind would wander to Brad. Eventually, Brad brought up he was questioning as well. They both agreed to kiss as a test, and they realized neither of them would mind being with a guy, however, Peter’s feelings about men were more complex. Brad didn’t mind anyone, Peter did. For him, it was a matter of feeling secure and understood. Peter feels more comfortable with women because he’s more familiar with them from growing up femininely and with their struggles, so he feels a better level of understanding. With cis men, Peter feels less comfortable with a fear of invalidation, he’d have to really know a guy and be comfortable with him before he can even consider feelings. With other trans people however, Peter knows he’d be immediately safe, validated, and understood, so he wouldn’t mind a relationship with another trans person at all. But at that moment, there wasn’t anyone he’d consider a relationship with.

After recovering from his surgery, Peter uses his technician skills to apply for a job at his childhood arcade for general maintenance and cleaning. The manager often forgets Peter is supposed to work the night shift and locks him in or out of the building on accident sometimes. Peter was already familiar with picking locks from having a crappy house key, so he'd pick the lock at his own workplace to get in. This skill was also useful with getting out of lockers if he could access the lock from inside.

Junior (11th grade)
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Peter is now mostly blended into the crowd, he’s unremarkable and people don’t take note of him besides consistent bullies who keep him on their checklist. Peter has taken notice of Rand laying off of him; however, at this point the locker shoving is just their regular routine and simple tradition of the popular jock guy putting the unpopular nerd guy in a locker. Peter doesn’t care, but he still hates Rand in silence. Peter’s only actual threat is Rand’s friends who want to impress him by giving Peter an actual rough time.

Peter overhears a phone call from his grandma to his mom in spanish, with the little that he can understand, he picks up a few words that may imply his mother has started another family, if it's true this would mean his grandma would want to see her grandkids. But he brushes it off as a misunderstanding, he has enough to deal with right now and it seems a bit crazy.

Peter notices something up with Brad’s mood, he seems sad lately. Brad eventually fesses up that he’s moving that coming summer to some conservative town in Colorado because his parents don’t like the area anymore and want to be closer to family. So the move is likely permanent. Peter is distraught, but understands it’s out of Brad’s control, so they both decide to have as much fun as they can this year. The weekend before Brad moves, they decide to get custom matching dog tags together, because they’ll always be each other’s β€œdawg.” On the last day of the school year, they sit together and talk.

Peter is distraught in the end, and eventually comes to a conclusion that nobody in his life will ever stay for him or could if they wanted. He knew he lost his parents, uncle, a childhood friend, his best and only friend, and if his mom really did have kids, his grandma would want to go see them often. He’s scared that one day he’ll have nobody and somewhat accepts he may just be meant to be alone.

Senior (12th grade)
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After Brad’s move, Peter spends the rest of the summer before completely alone. He pretty much accepts the rest of the year will be boring, lonely, and uneventful. But as long as he avoids trouble with other people, he should be fine. He spends the last day of summer going through a bunch of scenarios in his head about the coming school year, but his daydreaming is interrupted by a sudden call in for work that afternoon, he was needed immediately after some teens wrecked the arcade. Peter groans and sluggishly prepares for work, he really wanted this last day to just chill out and smoke out his nerves. He then starts up his car and drives over, into a scenario he could never imagine, even in his wildest dreams.

Peter finds himself wrapped up in a situation with the group of teens, Markus, Iris, Phil, and Lilac, in a fight between the dream world and reality world. Every time he sleeps he finds himself in this world with them and concludes things are stuck like this until they can find a way to settle things out. The chaos is so overwhelming he forgets about keeping up with Brad, and once he realizes this, he decides it’s best to keep him out of this for his own safety.

Through this world, Peter remembers Iris again and Iris realizes who he is. They talk things out at their childhood park and replant the cherry tree together. For a while, Peter feels at peace with Iris. But the more time he spends around her, the more he remembers, and bittersweet feelings slowly come back. He knows she’s changed and isn’t the same person she was in middle school, just like how he’s changed a lot as well. He’s comfortable with her, but only enough for her presence. He’s still on the borderline of whether or not he’d like to have a friendship with her again, and if they did have one would it even last or would it be up until they don’t need each other for the dream world anymore? He feels a warm bittersweetness in his chest when he’s with her.

Peter becomes great friends with the freshman boy, Markus. They’ve been through a lot together, both funny and traumatic. Peter likes Markus a lot like a brother but feels concerned for his mental health considering he’s so young. Markus’ life experience encouraged Peter to quit smoking for a while, but it was turned around after a traumatic experience at beaver beach.

The events at beaver beach have really scarred Peter. He was shot in the calf, witnessed gorey horrors, and came disturbingly close to death twice. It was a shock to him in every way, and needed to relieve his stress quickly, and took up smoking again, falling back on weed for emotional regulation. Peter now rethinks his involvement, questioning why it is that they do what they do and if he’s truly obligated to help.

Stats & Abilities


  • Peter is inspired by Rise of the TMNT's Casey Jones Jr. and Ultimate Spider-Man's Peter Parker.
  • Peter's habits include slouching, always adjusting glasses or fidgeting with his dog tags.
  • Peter never ties his shoe laces, explaining his low dexterity.
  • Peter doesn't actually know how to play the guitar, but he tells people he can just to seem impressive
  • The rest of the player characters are unaware of Peter's former crush on Iris and he'd like it to remain that way.
  • When Peter and Brad were young they messed around with Brad's dad's gun and it went off. Nobody was hurt but it nearly hit Peter's leg. The idea was added long before Peter's gun-inflicted injury in Beaver Beach, but the near miss was a detail added after that point.
  • The following ships are noncanon to the campaigns story:
    • The ship name between Brad and Peter is "Firespike". Firespike is shipped by the creator for fun.
    • The ship name between Peter and Lilac is "Lavenderflame." Lavenderflame is mutually shipped by both creators of Peter and Lilac for fun.
    • The ship name between Peter and Iris is "Fireblossom." Fireblossom is mutually shipped by both creators of Peter and Iris for fun.
  • The only dog Peter ever liked is Brad's dog, Cooper, who he deems "the best girl".
  • Peter and Iris beat Markus and Phil often at boat racing.
  • In a noncanon alternate universe where Peter is a trans woman, they're named "Diana".
  • Peter has a noncanon catsona named "Pecat" (pronounced: "pee-cat"). Instead of being strong, Pecat just has very sharp claws. Brad is either a blonde cat or Pomeranian.
  • Whenever Peter's health is brought to 0 in the dream world and he survives by using Phoenix Spark, or when he takes serious damage in the reality world, he is given a new scar.
  • Peter started as a gimmick character meant to be a parody of Scooby-Doo's Shaggy, but eventually gained a lot of development.
  • Peter avoids smiling with his teeth; and covers his mouth when he does.
  • Peter, when still "Peony", was named after his mother's favorite flower;
    • Matthew thought it sounded stupid and nicknamed him "Penny" instead.
  • Peter named himself in honor of his uncle.
  • Peter is canonically bisexual.
  • Because Matthew drank beer which would often put him in an more easily aggravated mood, and Uncle Peter was hit by a drunk driver, Peter has an aversion to alcohol and will refuse to drink it.
  • Peter had a phase where he disliked all cheerleaders and jocks in freshman and sophomore year, but thought it was judgemental of him and has dropped the sentiment.
  • Peter and Brad's difficulty in communication was inspired by the song "Full Disclosure" from Steven Universe.
  • Peter once spent 2 hours stuffed in a locker.
  • Peter eats quite a lot due to needing protein for his workout routine and munchies after getting high.
  • Peter named Warhead after the candy because "he's small but packs a punch."
  • Peter keeps the bumblebee from Brad figure on the dashboard of his car.
  • Ice-cream is Peter’s biggest comfort food.
  • Peter's Nightmare variant is jokingly referred to as "Retep" among the players.
  • Peter's Nightmare variant has the following traits and differentiations from Peter:
    • Blue flames (Peter's are red)
    • Prefers tight suits (Peter has a strong dislike of tight clothing and especially suits)
    • No acne or freckles
    • Speaks eloquently without the "surfer" accent or slang
    • "Cool as a cucumber" and believes himself to be above people, however is loud and cocky in his luchador form
    • Nightmare Peter is 7ft and "Jojo character" beefy in his luchador form
    • Cooler top surgery scars
    • Gracefully rizzful with the men, ladies, and nonbinary honeys
    • Can actually play the guitar and good


See Also
