An original character, or "OC", is a fictional person or creature created by someone not affiliated with a company.
Such a character can exist as an image or in text; and be part of an original story, comic, or an animated series, but also be an addition to existing media, which would then qualify it as a fancharacter.
Characters are the main focus of this Wiki, though original series and concepts in general are accepted as well.
Worried your character is touching a grey area, and need more details on what is accepted in our archive? Then take a look at the following examples:
Minnie Mouse is a canon character from the Walt Disney universe, and owned by them.
You can't claim canon characters as your own and expand on their backstory or whatever else; this is not the place for it.
Don't upload recolours to the gallery or publish characters that fully resemble a canon character.
If this is what your OC looks like, it might as well be Minnie Mouse.
If your character is described to be a reboot of a canon character, then it doesn't qualify as "original", even if it's drawn in another art style.
See also
- Character page template (Help for setting up a page)