Mysteries of The Sealed World (未知の旅の未来謎, Michi no tabi no mirai nazo, lit. The Future Mystery of an Unknown Journey), popularly known as WE ARE: The Prophecy Warriors (私たちは:予言の戦士 Watashitachiwa: Yogen no Senshi), follows the story of a 17-year-old boy named Aidan Radarceon who suddenly got teleported to the Sealed World, and forced to save the citizens there, even if he is not a skilled fighter. They met new friends and new enemies in an organization named Cerulean, and they work together to save the citizens, and also, stop the evil organization, Noir Terrorist and giant black-like creatures named Titantous.
In the meantime, an infamous A-tier Assassin named Kieran Maroonacht, a time-traveler from the future named Ezekiel Miraelon, who is surprisingly the adopted younger brother of Madison Evergreen, and two ordinary elementary kids named Willa Ciela and Seira Cherieai, are forced to submit to become Prophecy Warriors, whether it is dream, a goal or just a mere job for the money, to save Sealed World from harm.
Written by Laurphx7.
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Story Synopsis
Once upon a time, there were a hidden, sealed dimension called The Sealed World in one o, which the real name of the dimension is Planet Futuriel. The planet was filled with kind and happy citizens called Dane Citizens. The citizens in the planet species could vary, from human to humanoid mythical creatures, such as elves. But one day, a danger happened caused by Noir Terrorists and Blood Force and almost destroyed the whole planet and killed the contents inside. Because of this, a veteran hero of the city and planet, Dean Manhattan decided to close the planet by using an infinite-lasting invisible shield, that is nonexistent even if people from earth uses a fancy and high-tech telescope. He also announces that he didn't want "outsiders", if he found outsiders, he will call the guards to bring them over to give them a death sentence or in the jail until they are no longer outsiders.
This happens the second time, as the Noir Terrorists started to charge the city and causes war over 200 years and conflict over 300 years. The war is called Great Crimson Scourge War, since the war takes place at Crimson Battlegrounds and the name of a resistance now, Crimson Agency.
There are two sides of argument, Cerulean Breeze and Crimson Flames. These two sides of arguments has been in a conflict for so long, they never teamed up to fight the Noir Terrorists.
Aidan Radarceon (エイダンラダルセオン Eidanradaruseon)
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The main protagonist of Sealed World, Aidan is a brave and compassionate ordinary boy who lives in the plain mountains. As a human that has the power of two powers; Fire and Black Octopus, he struggles to control his powers at the same time without harming anyone. After the forest incident, he was shown to hold back his true powers because of the amount of damage he did unintentionally. But, growing up, he has an interest to swordfighting and fencing.
He was shown to be very friendly and tough in sistuations, but deep inside, he is a quiet ex-delinquent. He strives to become the warrior of bravery that can save people and slain giant titanic beings known as Titantous, while also rivaled other warriors that wanted to thrive the same line as him.
He is surprisingly a very bad fighter at the start, and his clumsiness makes up for it. But gradually, he improves significantly over time.
- Kieran Maroonacht
- Ezekiel Miraelon
- Willa Ciela
- Seira Chérieai
- Madison Evergreen
- Brycen Aetherlar
- Luka Renai
- Nathaniel Cascade
- Maya Rougiana
- Jared Shoulreed
- Jonah Cybeross
- Symphonians (Official name for the citizens living in Symphonium or Sealed World Futuriel)
- Dane Citizen (Human, or to describe the majority of Symphonium)
- Melo Citizen (Mythic Humanoids/Hybrids)
- Cybergears (Android)
- Fionians/Ting Lings (Aliens)
- Cielians (Spirits)
- Noirians/Lurkians (eerie monster that can transform into innocent humans, majority species of Dark Realm/Noir Terrorists)
- The author has been working this for a long time ago, when she was Grade 4, along with her other projects, Two Worlds, Two Egos and a project set to debut half of 2022, The Sun Prince and The Moon Prince.
- It was succeeded by Distant Dimensions and preceded by Two Worlds, Two Egos.