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Man Man Boy Boy Man is a comedic superhero story, created by KyBerLegerYT on April 11, 2021.

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One day, a man was bitten by a radioactive man, and the man’s DNA transferred into him, giving him the powers of his attacker and turning him into "Man Man". Then, Man Man discovered during a hospital visit that he had become radioactive and was going to die soon, so in an attempt to carry on his legacy, he bit a random boy, and his DNA was transferred into him, giving the boy the powers of both men, turning him into "Man Man Boy".

Much like Man Man, Man Man Boy discovered he had become radioactive and was destined to die, so he bit another boy and turned him into "Man Man Boy Boy".

Man Man Boy Boy also became heavily ill by the growing radiation inside his body and bit a man, turning him into "Man Man Boy Boy Man".

While with his girlfriend during a romantic evening, Man Man Boy Boy Man seductively bit her, not knowing he had become radioactive, and this turned the woman into "Man Man Boy Boy Man Woman".

Eventually, Man Man Boy Boy Man Woman discovered she was going to die, much like the other heroes, and her own daughter forced her to bite her, so that she could gain her powers and continue her legacy, turning her into "Man Man Boy Boy Man Woman Girl".

Man Man Boy Boy Man Woman Girl’s grandmother was then diagnosed with cancer, and the only way Man Man Boy Boy Man Woman Girl could save her was to bite her and give her her powers, so she did, and her grandmother became "Man Man Boy Boy Man Woman Girl Gran".

When Man Man Boy Boy Man Woman Girl Gran eventually died of old age and went to Heaven, her spirit appeared to still be radioactive, and she got drunk during the welcome celebration and bit God Himself. God received the powers of all the previous heroes and turned into "Man Man Boy Boy Man Woman Girl Gran God". However, He became overwhelmed with power and destroyed the entire universe.


  • The name "Man Man Boy Boy Man" is a reference to the YouTuber I Hate Everything’s alternate YouTube channel.
  • Part of the Man Man Chain power set is Radiation-Immunity, meaning everyone in the Man Man Chain would’ve survived the radioactivity perfectly fine, had they not bit someone else and transferred their powers.