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I Got Isekai'd and Killed the Demon Lord With a Disease That Poses No Threat in the Modern Age But He Wasn't Vaccinated Against is a comedic isekai story, written by VampireMeerkat.

A feverish teenager is hit by a truck and regains consciousness in a medieval fantasy world. He accidentally kills the demon lord plaguing the land by infecting him with his inconvenient illness, earning him the title of saviour by the royal family, but keeps killing everyone around him by passively transferring this disease nobody's built immunity against.

The story was conceived on March 31, 2024, but it and the characters have made no official online appearance.

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Billy Li, a Japanese teenager with a nonsensical non-Japanese name, is lying sick in bed, lamenting the awful life he has.

He shares a small apartment with his neglectful father, while his mother is claimed to have died after giving birth to him because he was that ugly as a baby. He's never made a friend or even had an obligatory playmate in the form of a neighbour or same-age relative, and every love interest who's crossed paths with him doesn't know of his existence, quite literally. He often gets mistaken for a floor lamp when standing, a chair when sitting, and curiously, an opened bag of potting soil when lying down.
The extent to which people keep hurting his feelings made Billy grow up timid and dejected.

No one cares to bring him his overdue homework and not even his father checks on him. After 2 days of this, a random truck crashes through his bedroom wall (even though he lives in an apartment a few stories high), and as is customary, the impact transports him to a different world.

(Click "Expand" to read more)>

Billy finds himself on the streets of some kind of starter village in some kind of medieval European country, where its people have weird parodies of German names, or some German word for a name, usually misspelled.
The people of Schtad stare at Billy -his black hair and colour and shape of his eyes seemingly rare in this world. The dull, beige bathrobe he's wearing gets mistaken for a nobleman's robe and he becomes targeted by thieves and displeased communists, I guess.

Billy bolts it, but just outside the village, is blocked by a tall, evil-looking figure. A demon with pointy ears, clear white skin, and black hair and eyes looks at him, displeased, yet with some intrigue. Billy shares some physical features with him, including his pale feverish complexion.
Billy is frozen in fear for the demon, if not the countless of army men standing behind him, and they stare each other down for a bit.

The stranger suddenly becomes theatrical and proclaims to be the "demon lord". He adds an unsolicited explanation on what that entails and it goes on for quite a bit. The sick Billy begins to slump back, his eyes turning drowsy, clearly not paying attention anymore. The demon lord stops the monologue and blushes in embarrassment upon seeing his "cool aloofness".
He gets to the point and asks if he's come to challenge him. Billy mumbles something inaudible, which the demon lord unfavourably interprets as a deranged description of how he'll slaughter him and his men.

The demon lord is frightened by his sick declaration, but refuses to stand down and raises his finger claw weapon, ready to strike. Billy's neck hurts too much to keep looking up at him and he's unaware he's being attacked. Seeing his relaxed attitude, the soldiers start muttering amongst themselves.

Then suddenly, the demon lord falls to his knees, coughing.

The soldiers watch in bewilderment as their unbeatable leader is breathing heavily on the ground, too weak to get back on his feet. The demon lord roars what curse Billy cast upon him, but this belch takes up alot of energy and he becomes lightheaded. Billy figures he's feeling ill as well and tells him he should lie down, whereafter the demon collapses, as if the suggestion was a death chant.

The men gasp in shock. The army general hurries over to check on him, then deduces he's dead. More gasps. He looks at Billy, whose mind is still in a daze as if he's unsure if this fantasy world is reality or a coke dream. The general thinks he's being given a look of disdain, and falls on his knees, begging Billy for his life.

Billy keeps coughing over his heartfelt plea and tries to explain he's not the cause of the demon lord's collapse, but the panicking general rambles on and doesn't let a word in. Billy's headache worsens the longer he's forced to stay awake and listen to him and he becomes a bit irritated. As he tells the man to quit it, the general moans to be feeling weird and also loses consciousness. Billy flinches upon seeing now two supposed corpses lying at his feet.
The now leaderless monsters start shouting amongst each other. They are deathly afraid of Billy and beg to be let go. He nervously replies not to be holding them hostage, which they take as him permitting their leave. They hurriedly turn around and sprint off.
Billy calls after them they should call an ambulance for their "cosplay buddies", but their panicked screeches overpower his soft, gravelly voice.

The villagers of Schtad watched it all happen and celebrate Billy's success at protecting them. Seconds afterwards, an armored king on a white horse shows up, together with his own men, who evidentially were about to battle the demon lord. The poised king wishes to bestow upon him the title of hero and Billy begrudgingly shares his name. No one makes fun of him, though, and he is proudly dubbed "Buhleelee the hero". Billy didn't think his name could be any worse and his face reflects his discontent.
The king's 5 daughters, also on horseback and wearing ineffective, skimpy armor (apparently they were going to fight as well?) lick their lips upon seeing the mysterious foreigner giving their mighty father this "don't care, hurry up"-attitude. This is now a harem anime story, I decided.
Except it isn't, as when Billy is invited over to have a feast at the castle and stay for the night, the princesses intrude his chambers in even skimpier outfits, but quickly become sick in his presence. They drop like flies around his bed before they can assault this underage boy with objectively unfunny and inappropriate lewdness anime is famous for.

Nearby guards hear the bodies hitting the floor and show up to inspect the noise. They're shocked to find what they think is a crime scene and point their spears at Billy. He's confused as always and can only think of asking the men to drop their weapons. The simple request is believed to be a mind control spell and they run away before it can affect them, though they ironically still fumble and drop their weapons in their panicked state.

Billy lifts his sore body out of bed, understanding he needs to find a doctor and clear his name before things escalate. He visits every corridor and room, but the place is suspiciously empty. He ends up in the throne room, where just the king is standing. He says to know everything and has ordered his loyal staff to save themselves. Billy is nervous and wants to explain what happened, starting by how his daughters suddenly showed up wanting to make out, but the king interrupts him with raging tears and concludes he killed them because they weren't good enough for a being like him.
The assumption is just as weird as the title of "being" he's given, but Billy can't comment on it, as the king's sobs grow heavier and he asks why death had to be the punishment and his children's insolence couldn't have been forgiven. He then proclaims it was a mistake bringing him into his home and dubs him no hero, but the true demon lord. The king gets out his sword and pierces himself with it, telling the disoriented Billy he won't give him the satisfaction of killing him.

Billy's fever flares up again and turns his vision blurry. The idiocy of everything that transpired since he arrived in this world makes it hard for him to believe it's really happening, so he decides to head back to his assigned bedroom and hopes to wake up in his own house.

The next morning, brave warriors hired to inspect the castle flinch upon finding him sleeping peacefully, whilst surrounded by the corpses of women. One of them hurries over with a raised sword, but the ghoulish colour on Billy's face invokes fear and he hesitates. He raises his sword higher, but is again petrified by the mere thought of Billy's nature and power. The fact he killed the demon lord and stole the royal castle with no effort is an unheard feat, and none of the other warriors even dare to set foot in the room now they've found him.
They hiss at their colleague to hurry up, so he tightens his grip around the handle, but then, his hands weaken and the blade falls onto the floor. Billy shoots awake, and as his eyes open, the man starts coughing and faints. The others turn tail immediately.

Though initially startled by the falling sword, Billy is too tired to stay awake, if not delirious, and hasn't picked up on much of anything that just happened. He closes his eyes again, just for more warriors to find him later that day. They too are disturbed to stumble upon the death room and don't even want to deal with it. The cowards run off.

With no one daring to challenge him, the country of Manyger agrees not to question Billy's reign and have him keep the royal castle. He remains in a state of disbelief to be where he is, and every time he starts feeling better, he's confronted by demons or warriors from other regions who wish to take him on. He always infects and kills these theatre kids before they can lay a finger on him, and the stress of always having to deal with some violent clown prevents Billy's fever from fading.
Dubbed the new demon lord, news of his arrival spreads all over the world, without his knowledge.

Many girls feel charmed by him and his might. They wish to insert themselves in his story, but as expected, always end up dead. In a strange turn of events, this only makes him more attractive in the eyes of both human and demon women, and these hybristophiles spread around made up stories on how to become accepted by the great Billy, or what it supposedly means when you survive his crushing magic.
Again, Billy has no idea any of this is going on and is merely trying to get over his fever and exit this lucid dream.

But this never happens. Day in day out, week after week, his influence grows, with servants and followers listening to his every mumbled and confused whim, even if it means dying by being in his presence. All assassination attempts are seen as pointless and Billy becomes king of all, except health, because he still has a fever.


Billy Li

Billy Li

Billy Li (2024).

Billy is a 16 year old boy from Japan. Though he's Japanese and has no family roots outside of the country, he has a common Western name, "Billy", and a Chinese (sur)name, "Li". Because of the order it's written, "Li" is actually his name and his surname "Billy".

He's a rather gloomy, unconfident person, thanks to the lack of social interaction and bad luck he endured throughout his life. He's always alone and believes no one could possibly have any kind of interest in him, which is reflected in his behaviour throughout the story.

He seemingly has no hobbies or interests, or rather, never cared to explore these. Whenever he expresses the slightest of positivity or curiosity for something, bad luck hits and he gives up.

Despite acknowledging those who address him directly, Billy remains in denial about the fantastical world that surrounds him. His lingering illness, causing pale skin, sunken eyes, and a soft, gravelly voice, messes with his senses and further fuels his disorientation and apathy.

Many think his fever-bred traits make him appear shady and disinterested, while others like his so-called "bad boy" look. It's unknown what he looks like when healthy, as he stays sick for the entirety of the story, which spans over multiple years. Other notable traits are his black hair, small dark pupils, and larger-than-average nose.

Zwarstswais the Demon Lord

Zwarstswais is a demonic deity and the king of demons, including animalistic monsters.

He's claimed to be as old as time itself and started plaguing the world after he instinctually awakened by the birth of "the legendary hero", who "was destined to erase all sin and evil for all eternity".
The legendary hero was casually disposed off by handing him a pebble when still an infant. The child immediately stuffed it in his mouth and choked on it. Classic baby shenanigans.

Though the problem was easily solved, Zwarstswais felt vengeful towards the human race for trying to disrupt the natural balance of good and evil -even though humans didn't even know of the prophecy- and he vowed to make his kind the new dominating species on the planet. He was about to target Schtad next, but died mere minutes after meeting Billy.

Zwarstswais looks much like an elf, but is extremely tall and somewhat muscular. His skin is white and he has long black hair, small dark pupils, fangs, sharp nails, and a devil's tail with what looks like a scorpion's stinger as the tip. He wears silver armor and his cape looks like long, resting bat wings, making it uncertain if it's fabric or his actual wings.
He's primarily a magic user, but knows unarmed combat and wears silver ring coverings on his fingers, each one pointed like a claw.

King KΓΆnig

KΓΆnig is the king of Manyger. He is around 60 years old.

He's the stereotypical image of a medieval European king. He's an active monarch and planned to fight Zwarstswais with his army.

He cares about his 5 daughters a great deal, which made them grow up dependable and loyal to him, evidenced by their readiness to join the battle against Zwarstswais, yet also spoiled and believing to be entitled to everything, shown by their pushy behaviour towards Billy.
When they died, KΓΆnig mentally gave up and couldn't find the strength to try and avenge them, taking his own life instead.

KΓΆnig is a very muscular man with half-long grey hair and a beard. He's always wearing fantastical clothing; and was wearing golden, gemstone-encrusted armor when Billy first met him.


  • The name of the land, "Manyger", is "Germany" with the first and last two syllables flipped.
  • The name of the first village, "Schtad", is an exaggerated misspelling of the German and Dutch word for "city"; "Stadt" and "stad" respectively.
  • The name "Zwarstswais" is a misspelling of the German words "Schwarz" and "Weiß", meaning "black" and "white".
  • The name "KΓΆnig" is the German word for "king".