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Title card, β€œThe Bond Of Two Beings Are Unstoppable!”

Elegems is a story about a young boy whom survived a stormy and loosing his father from the sea until finding ancient artifacts and a creature, written by Magmastone808.

as a young boy named Rex, goes on fishing with his father. As they got too close to the deepest ocean, suddenly a storm from out of nowhere came out and took Rex away, miraculously, he survived but he was taken away, later from his sadness he had to take care of himself and went exploring until he saw a stone place where manuscripts and tablets where and in the middle where a bracelet with a red gem with a fiery aura, as he then was transported to another place, where he was laying down, with him is a creature named Embren until seeing each other and understand they figured and interacted with other people along the way.

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Main Cast

Rex Embren Jane Wartle

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Minor Characters


Season 1 Tells the story and origins of Elegems and young teen having bonds with elemental creatures and finding the truth between them and history.

Chapter 1: Rex and Embren

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Centuries ago, was a long lived Civilization, called the Elos! As they were smart and futuristic specialized in technology and creation. One day they made creatures with elemental powers, only in combat and defence and were created as pets. Until making more and more, as they were creatures made with highly powerful tech, then they made special gadgets only Holden those with heart and bond. They made it as a bracelet with a special gem called an Elegemto power the creature into a more highly stat, the creatures were named Critters. Until one day, they were attacked by dark creatures and all darkness until they made a decision of transporting this Bracelet Elegems with stones and scripts of their language for a better understanding, which wasn’t. Until all were transported towards Planet Earth as human life was their. And all of the civilians and people were extinct. Until one day, a young boy named, Rex Flame was just going on a fishing trip with his dad, as he said β€œHey dad, at what time do we head home, I would be tired when we do all of this! β€œ and his dad said β€œ It’s alright, we’re just her to fish some for the shop. β€œ Rex said β€œ alright then… β€œ as they fished towards the coast of Florida, as then Rex’s dad said β€œ Hey, Rex wanna be far from here? β€œ and Rex replied β€œ No! Dad please β€œ later they only catch a fish, so they had to leave, but then something happened… as a great storm happened and then they were scared as Rex was panicking and his dad trying his best to get out until grabbing Red and getting flung never be seen and his dad wanting to save him, but with no avail he couldn’t. Afterwards, Rex woke up in a island as confused and scared he wanted to go home, only to see nothing. Screaming β€œ Help!! Yeah like if someone is gonna come here!! β€œ then a flash came onto the island inside the Forrest, so Red wanted to investigate, as then seeing a monument, a shrine filled with stones and manuscripts until in the middle it’s a bracelet with a red gem, he wanted to wear and when he used it, he was transported onto a world, as he woken up again, along side him was a creature, a fire lizard, as Rex said β€œ what the, a lizard. You look cool and cute… β€œ as in his Bracket it said β€œ Creature Named Embren β€œ then Rex said β€œ Welp your name is Embren… nice β€œ as Embren was jumping of joy and both walked towards a flourished field to find answers of help.

Chapter 2:Jane And Wartle/ Finding Each Other!

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After Rex transported to the world Nova, another one was chosen. As a young girl appeared, as her name is Jane, Jane was only walking to school in a summer afternoon, as she walked to her house was, until seeing a star fall down as she thought. Jane in her curiosity, wanted to know what is it. As she then saw a monument or a shrine filled with ancient rocks and scriptures, and most importantly a Bracelet Elegem, as has a blue gem with it, Jane liked it and never thought of stealing it if it’s no one’s, so she took it, but out of nowhere she started to float and was teleported, until transported to another dimension, later she woke up but right beside her was a small creature named a Critter! As she was confused and scared, until the creature woke up, not knowing and clueless, Jane thought of something until wanting to befriend the creature as she thought its a cute mammal until the name’s critter was Wartle, so then Jane called the small creature Wartle as both gave a bond and both walked towards the plain fields for a better answer. meanwhile… Res was confused and Embren just spinning around, until hearing a crack noise and investigating out of nowhere it was a spider Critter, it was mad, but Embren was ready to battle, as Embren fought the critter and Rex seeing all this and finding out something, as Embren opened his mouth and fire came out making it run away. Embren was happy and Rex amazed! Until going back again to their mission, Jane and Wartle were wandering around until seeing Critters in a small stream as having leaf like shields on their heads. Jane was happy and finding everything nice and cute here, until hearing a noise, chattering. And Jane grabbed a stick and prepared herself as then Rex came in and was immediately whacked by the stick Jane was taken hold, and Rex was in pain β€œ Ow!? What the!! Heck… β€œ and Rex saw Jane, as both survivors both were happy β€œ Wow, I thought I was alone forever! β€œ Rex said β€œ Yeah, I could of been the last humans here!! β€œ as both chattering and being happy they settled for the night and made a campfire by Embren’s aid. As Rex and Jane talked and talked until felling asleep as both children were joyful to see each other.

Chapter 3: Iven and Windat/Start Of A Quest

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After they met up, they tried to be safe and secure during this times of survival, Rex and Jane were scared for the moment. As they built a campfire near a small cave entrance and used as a roof since they’re was rain. Rex said β€œ So, how did you get here? β€œ Jane answered β€œ Well, I was just walking to school just minding my own business, until a flashing light struck nearby to the ground, but I was curious and I shouldn’t, as I walked there and some artifacts or stone thingy were there, even this bracelet that I got, until I floated and now I’m here… You? β€œ and Rex understood and answered Jane’s question β€œ Well, for me it’s different, I was just fishing with my Dad, until he had a β€œgreat” idea to go closer to where fish were, atleast far away, but then out of nowhere a great storm happened, I don’t know, I was scared and then I was take by the wind and pushed were the waters was and took my dad away and left, as I descended from the tides and got to a island, as I venture out I saw the same thing as yours, stone tablets and a bracley and then transported with this fellow creature… and I met you, and it seems we have the the same thing with our brackets and also having creatures, I wonder what’s more! β€œ until a noice came, and a small bird like Critter came, Jane and Rex were frightened at first and didn’t knew what to do, until they kept him, as it was named Iven, then out of nowhere a second bracelet was given to Rex, folowing a green stone on the bracelet, symbolizing plant! As they talked more and more and both talked until they slept. Afterwards, Rex and Jane with their Critters woke up for a new day, as they defended towards many lands as a journey. They were tired moments later and tried for a camp, as then a flying figure came in and it squealed like a mouse, as it was alike a bat as a wind type, and Jane was curious and excited over this creature and Wartle becoming jealous, as the Critter was soft as snow, and it was named Windat. Finally, Rex had Embren and Iven, and Jane had Wartle and Windat, Jane then was given another bracelet with a grey stone, symbolizing wind! All went well until the sky turned grey and a loud female voice said β€œ Mortals, you were chosen for a special task, as you two should take haste on destroying the grand destroyer Darknah, she may look innocent but holds a dark character, you Mortals are chosen with their Critters to destroy the creature and brung back civilization. β€œ and both kids were confused and frightened unto this extraordinary encounter, as both on a quest to destroy a long lost Critter, then the voice said β€œ Well, Darknah is lived in the dark world known Notrom, you need to have the four keys of Volar to find them, you need to collect them from strange areas full of monsters but don’t worry your Critters shall do the trick if you gain a bond, as you find the four, open the gates of Notrom, and destroy the one whom hold thousand souls. Good luck and make haste! β€œ as then it was gone, so now Rex and Jane shall go on a quest to save this world named Aethera, and the regions of Elos.

Season 2 Shows, After their arrival, Rex, Jane and their Critter must fight and obtain the four keys of Volar to defeat the Dark Critter, Darknah!

Chapter 1: Battling Juma!

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As the quest began, they were given a map, so they headed towards the grand Forrest that is dark and spooky, as they saw fruits that are healthy for their Critters along the way, as then we’re ambushed by big lizards so, Rex and Jane commanded their Critters to fight! As they fought, firstly, Embren went to a quick attack and his fire breath! Defeating one of them, Wartle attack with her water gun and used her stealth to attack, taking it out. As they gain victory over their first fight and were given new stats or leveled up. But a huge roar came from the Forrest as they thought, β€œ What is that! β€œ and huge beast only 20 ft tall, began to roar! As they had to battle it out, Embren first attacked but was punched. Wartle used her bubbles to block him but with no use, she was also attacked, until the big Critter named, Juma! Was about to fight, but then Rex, with his heart said β€œ Embren, you can do this! I believe in you!… β€œ as then the Gem glowed, and Embren glowed too, as he roared and changed into a bigger creature, with big muscles and great jaws. And became stronger and faster, his second form, Scorchen!! As Scorchen attacked Juma and both grabbing each other and tackled. Until Rex, now knee it’s new form name, said, β€œ Scorchen you can do it! β€œ and Scorchen powered a final blast and blasted away Juma exterminating it, and then Juma glowed and flashed away only the first key of Volar! Being successful they rested, and Rex hugged Embren and thanked him for the help, as Jane wondered β€œ What if Wartle also has a form like Embren’s? β€œ and Rex said β€œ I don’t know but I assume yes… β€œ as both slept for the next day!… meanwhile in the long lost realms of Notrom, the Dark, Darknah, has awaken, β€œ now, I feel free, I shall awake! β€œ

Chapter 2: Defeating WaspΓ²m!

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After the defeat of Juma, The gang achieved the first key of Volar, as then they rested, the next day, Rex and Jane and they’re Critters and left, as they saw in they’re map a huge rainforest, as it was deep and lush. As they headed they’re way to fight the creature, as they got ready, until something dashed and dashed again and again until tackling Rex and Jane shouted β€œ Rex!! β€œ as then collided with a nearby tree until seeing a giant sized wasp, as the creature was fast and ready, until commanding Embren to fire breath but he dodged it and went fast, so then Jane said β€œ Wartle cover the are with bubbles, as she did blowing it out, it proved to be a good idea as it was distracted, until showing itself and then Embren using fire breath! Even thought taking damage it still wasn’t enough and pushed Rex and Embren both to the ground. Until Jane had enough and used her Bracelet Elegem!! As she said β€œ Wartle become strong to defeat this creature, a I believe in you!! Let us bond together in friendship and harmony!! β€œ and then Wartle turned into a new creature, stronger than before and faster, with changing its appearance!! As now named Aquaran!! As she now fought the wasp creature Waskrah! As she used Hydrobeam to attack, it was so strong it made Waskrah weak and then Aquaran used her final attack as a Water Slash!! And the second creature was defeated!! As it gave the second key of Volar! The voice then said β€œ Well done Mortals, now defeat the two remaining creatures to defeat Darknah, remember make haste in a time of adventure! As then Jane celebrated hugging her beloved Critter as changed again. Rex woke up and Embren too, as Rex said β€œ Woah, what happened, did we defeated it?! β€œ but Jane said β€œ you mean Wartle and I defeated it! β€œ well let’s go we got the second key!! As then they headed towards the third creature!! meanwhile… The creature Darknah hag began spawning darkness towards the first regions, making her stronger…

Chapter 3: Challenging Mushroo!

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After their battle with WaspΓ²m, Rex and Jane took another journey to the third key guardian, later they saw a mushroom forrest, so they headed in, it was lush and green and there were big red mushroom with spots on them, some where big and other small even groaning in big tree that were dark. As then they journeyed along the way, feeling the sense of a magic land, Rex said β€œ Wowe, it’s really, fantasy like in here… do you think the same Jane? β€œ Jane responded β€œ Yep, same here, wow look their, glowing β€œ as she pointed to one mushroom but it was different, but out of nowhere it moved and went into rumble as a large creature sported out the ground, as it was a mushroom creature with arms and legs and having a round body, with even having sharp teeth, as then Rex said β€œ Wow!! It’s another key guardian, Embren go β€œ and Jane did the same, as both Embren and Wartle were on the battle with the creature named Mushroo!! As then the battle cometh, as Wartle used her water gun ability. But had no affect until Embre, used his fire breath, and it worked making it weakened but then it transformed into a power monster with making a shield to block the fire ability, Rex and Jane didn’t knew what to do,so they sent Iven for the test as he did a good job on holding him but not attacking, they sent out Windat for wind attacks but no damage, as then the four Critters were attacked and whipped with vines that were like whips. But then to make it easier, Rex prepared for the special attack, as he used his Green Elegem bracelet and used it, making a bond with Iven and making Iven powerful finally, the new Leafen was come for action, as Mushroo was frightened he wasn’t ready for a finishing blow so he dug and burrowed and Rex said β€œ What a coward, Leafen go after him!! β€œ and so he did, as then a chase was happening and Leafen blew his green bolts beneath the tunnel, and the Mushroo jumped off, making an easier target and with a final hit. Leafen made a huge blast of green aura. Blowing out Mushroo and so he was defeated, and the third key of Volar was gifted to Rex, Jane said β€œ Wow, what a turn off. But we did it β€œ and Rex said to Embren β€œ Nice job dude, now let’s get going and leave this gosh darn place β€œ as then they walked and walked until they finally found an exit, as it his nighttime they chose a spot for the night, a big tree as a shade, and the wind was blowing freely, only a breezy wind was going and they slept for the night. As the world is becoming more dark in the middle ground, Darknah is ready…

Chapter 4: Vanquishing Golar!

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After finishing the the three Guardians the keep the Keys of Volar, they were finally finishing, as the final guardian was up ahead. Rex said β€œ After all this, we’re here!! Finally β€œ until seeing a giant temple, in the middle of a jungle Forrest, as they entered thinking this is going to be the location, until then as they continued forward they saw a big room, until a giant figure came from the shadows as a big golden golem with green eyes and gem on its chest came, as it was the big and last guardian of the Keys of Volar, he’s name is Golar. As Jane and Rex were ready, and so they sent Embren and Wartle for the job, it all comes to this, as both had to fight, Rex commanded Embren to quick attack, as he did but to no affect, but Wartle used her water gun, and it did affect a little but not enough, so no choice to but use the Elegems, and they transformed into Scorchen and Aquaran! And both used their powers at once made a big impact of effect, as they fought hard, but then Golar used his boulders to attack and punched them hard, until Aquaran tackling Golar, but then Golar roared and slammed Aquaran to the floor, making the floor rumble, and Scorchen roared and made a big fire breath to distract and not attack, and Aquuaran recovering, she went to his back and made a big hydro pump blast, making a two way special to Golar, of course not enough, but something to weakened him, then Golar used his eyes to do Lazer beams and used to shoot at Scorchen, as Golar used his green Lazer beams making a big explosion, Rex and Jane gain cover while both Critters were seriously injured, as Golar grabbed the two and thrower them like trash, until the Elegems glowed and gave both Critters health restoration. Even healing them, Golar was surprised now, as then Jane chose Windat and then with a bond with her the Grey bracelet Elegem glowed and Windat turned into Cloudrah, as Cloudrah tackled Golar and used her final attack which was to combine wind attacks with her cloud shots attacks and end it, as they did and it made Golar tremble and crumble into then explode, all that he was finally defeated. Rex and Jane completed all, and the critters turned back into normal creatures, and they danced jumped of joy, now they have the four keys of Volar, ready to lock the darkness within, as they headed outside already midnight and so they slept. For the night. No… It Can’t Be… I Shall Win And Rule…

Chapter 5: Fighting Darknah!

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Finally, Rex and Jane and their Critters were in their final destination. As they opened the gates. Then they were in a floating platform surrounded in a dark blue flames of light. Until they heard a female voice saying β€œ well done mortals, you have the reach the impossible. Now, you shall face the darkness itself, Me! Darknah! β€œ as a small dark creature came, but Rex underestimated her β€œ Woah, look at that chubby little Critter! β€œ and Darknah angered β€œ Grrhh, You will pay!! β€œ and so, Darknah had her powers ready, Rex and Jane send their Critters, Embren and Wartle for the fight, thinking it might be fair for a fight, but Darknah was way powerful overpowering both of them, as Darknah is all dark powered they made them weakened, Darknah then used her powers to attack, as then Embren and Wartle where weakened right before as they wanted to turn on their Elegem Power, As Darknah knew what would happen. β€œ You think, I’m stupid, that you can easily turn into a second form Critter, with the bond of the a stupid human soul? Well, it won’t happen. Now you two are done!! β€œ until Embren and Wartle, had energy as red lights surrounded Embren and Wartle blue lights too. As both we’re healing by unknown cause, and then Rex and Jane were weakened, but Rex saw their Critters healing each other, until he said β€œ you know what, you shouldn’t be disgraceful towards a bond of a human and a critter, if you really believe in your heart that you can build a relationship with someone then you gotta make it up to do it!! β€œ and then Rex and Jane used their bracelet, and used their bond with their Critters and then, Embren turned into Scorchen and Wartle, Aquaran!! As Darknah not surprised. But Darknah said β€œ hmm, not surprised, but you will meet your end, β€œ and so Scorchen and Aquaran attacked Darknah as both striker back and Darknah full on battled as all used their powers making explosions and chaos all around, Rex and Jane used cover from the explosions, then they sent out Iven and Windat and so turned into Leafen and Cloudrah joining the fight to Darknah. Until Darknah was weakened apparently, but Darknah said β€œ you know what? I wouldn’t waste my time with you people β€œ. But then everything was interrupted when giant light creature came and said β€œ do not fight, there is no need, as I took every power from you, now our creators regain peace in their prosperity, for us we can have a new home, a new law, and love. Humans, you can now go home, even you can bring your Critters, with the addition of adding more Critters to the atmosphere of Earth, Darknah, come, there is no need to fight… β€œ and Jane confused she said β€œ wait who are you? β€œ and the being said β€œ that is not relevant, no go with you Critters. β€œ as they were transported back to earth. Meanwhile, Darknah said β€œ now what. β€œ and the being said β€œ Darknah, there was no need to bring two humans for that you can be set free, and manipulate them for a voice in the sky, and make fake creatures. That is not good, do not attempt that, now let’s go to the prosperity, everything will now make sense. β€œ well, it did not make sense, but as the two kids finally, came to their homes, as they saw their parents and and were cheering and smiling, as Rex was was laying in his bed at night hoping to see Embren, he heard a growl as it was Embren, and they both slept. Years later, the existence of Critters came to a norm as becoming a pet and a partner in the human world, now, what great adventures can happen, in this wonderful life…

until, when all was well for Rex and Embren enjoying life, seeing new Critters coming to earth and becoming a norm in the world, as many people had Critters as their companions, until Rex heard something from his backyard one night and Embren followed him, as it was a portal to another dimension. So then Rex jumped in ready with Embren, embracing throught it all…

See Also
