Catherine Fraser is the final protagonist in the Deadeye sub-series, present in The World of Saints and Sinners. She is the driving point between the clear line of this series and the transition into the next one, as New Era focuses on the time after that of herself and Liam McMahon.
Catherine is the protagonist of Revenge, and is a supporting antagonist in Intervention, which is the lead-up to the former.
Catherine Fraser, nèe Jackson, was born in Topeka, Kansas. She spent her late childhood in the Third World War, and by the end of it she was 11. She would move to San Francisco as soon as she was able to, meeting Derek Fraser when she was 19 and starting a relationship with him; the two would get married just two years later. Derek, already being an Agent of the Communal Strike Organization, influenced Catherine enough to convince her to join as well.
The couple moved to Vladivostok, as the CSO base there was where they were to be stationed.
By 2040, the Vladivostok Division was working on adapting their newly-found time travel technology, stolen from a Repton base just the year before. Derek was one of the agents selected to run experiments, when the time came to do so.
When the CSO did perfect their time travel science a year later, Derek was the first one assigned with a mission; to go back in time and kill Adolf Hitler, in order to prevent WW2 and help the USSR thrive (which would in turn help the CSO). Catherine chose to be Derek's overwatch while he was back in time, giving him guidance and directions via an inter-dimensional headset.
Derek had gotten in position with a sniper rifle and was ready to take the shot, but he was intercepted by an officer of the Agency of Time Preservation and Stability. Derek was held at gunpoint, and Catherine was forced to answer the officer's interrogation through the headset. Upon her revealing they were from the CSO, the officer, without hesitation, shot Derek in the head and sent his body back to 2041- with Catherine listening helplessly. The officer told her to tell her boss that "Deadeye sent you."
Catherine, absolutely crushed by the murder of her husband, vowed to hunt down the man who killed him. About two months later, after recuperating herself emotionally, she began her search for the man she only knew as "Deadeye".
With the help of the head agent of the Vladivostok base, Agent 32, Catherine was able to narrow it down to someone from Repton, who was obviously involved with the ATPS. She travelled to the city of Repton and started by staking out an ATPS scientist and his daily commute, named Walter Smith.
One day she tailed him to his office, but he pulled over, aware of her following of him. She was able to intimidate Walter easily, and he revealed that the man under the alias Deadeye was known as Liam McMahon. Catherine returned to Vladivostok with her newly-found information.
Upon reporting back to Agent 32, he expressed his disdain, as Liam McMahon was one of the highest-ranking lieutenants of the Repton Armed Forces. He had nearly collapsed the CSO singlehandedly by destroying tons of their North American bases and killing their head agents, supposedly killed the Soviet leader Dmitri Smirnov, fought through the streets of Petrograd to kill Andrei Morozov- the strongest member of the SEO they had- and killed their insider Benjamin Zeck; all while being barely in his twenties at the time. He had struck a considerable amount of fear in the CSO, with some of the best agents even hesitating to consider fighting him. However, despite all this infamy, he was forgotten about by the CSO after WW3.
Catherine deduced that the way to have Liam reveal himself would be to threaten someone close to him. 32 discovered that another high-ranking captain of the navy, Adam Lee, was previously acquainted with Liam, and was also in Taipei at the moment as part of a delegation mission.
Catherine formed a squad of agents, including herself, 32, Agent 96- a former North Korean general- and Agent 4- a New Yorker mercenary. They arrived in Taipei and searched around the docks for Lee. Catherine eventually found the ship he was on, and simply waited for him to return before knocking him out and tying him to a chair inside.
When Adam regained consciousness, the squad interrogated him for information on Liam's precise whereabouts. Agent 96 recognized him as the man who killed his father in WW3, and expressed his anger in the form of a punch across the jaw. Catherine, impatient and wanting to get information, shot Adam in the knee and demanded he reveal anything about Liam. When Adam played it off as if he had never heard of a Liam McMahon, Agent 32 took it a step further by stabbing Adam in the eye with a drawing compass.
32 was able to convince Adam to give up his phone and the password to it, and the team exasperatedly left the ship, leaving Adam tied to the chair and bleeding. He would later die in intensive care after being found by his crew and brought to the hospital.
Catherine, annoyed with the violence of her squad, took the next day off and did her research alone. As Liam was on Adam's contact list in his phone, she was able to hack through Adam's phone to Liam's account details, and got his address by doing so before being locked back out moments later. She concluded that in order to take on Liam without prompting the military to show up, a distraction would have to be made to divert the army's attention and open a larger window for an attack. She also found out he had a wife, and started to contradict herself, thinking if she killed Liam out of pure vengeance and cold blood, it'd end up in the same situation she had just recovered from. Nevertheless, Catherine went on with her mission, to get revenge for her husband.
Agent 32 was able to arrange 3 extra squads to assist with the attack, and they carry out their plan, starting with one squad sabotaging fighter jets in an airbase just north of Calgary- Liam's city of residence.
Catherine hacks the president of Repton's contact to send a text to Liam disguised as him, saying they have to meet urgently in the Hayes Tower, an old skyscraper in downtown Calgary. When Liam arrives, he quickly realizes it was a set up, and is assaulted through the windows by the squad's attack helicopter with machine guns. He still manages to escape the building and flees on his motorcycle. The third squad's APC follows in pursuit through the city streets.
When the third squad catches up to him and knocks him off his bike, Liam somehow kills all 4 of them with ease. He then uses the APC's turret to gun down the helicopter, killing the second squad. Catherine's squad is informed of this; both 4 and 96 express their disbelief and hesitance with continuing. She is still able to convince them to keep it up, in honor of the ones already fallen.
The remaining 2 squads track Liam down to an abandoned parking lot, and they engage in a shootout with him. He manages to kill 4 of them before being stabbed in the liver by Agent 96. The latter is then shot in the head, leaving Agent 32, Agent 4, and Catherine. 4 is quickly finished off in a close-quarters brawl, and 32 is fatally wounded, but manages to shoot the gun out of Liam's hand when he eventually holds Catherine at gunpoint. The two resort to a fist-fight, in which Catherine is superior due to Liam's already existing wounds. Catherine eventually loses her temper and ruthlessly beats Liam to the ground, landing kicks to his head and then shooting him in the chest.
Barely breathing on the ground, Liam tries to reason with an enraged Catherine, revealing that his wife is expecting, and that Derek knew what the consequences would be for choosing the side he chose. He convinces Catherine that him and the ATPS were in the right for stopping Derek, to which Catherine begins to realize her actions. She starts to tear up, and turns her back on Liam, leaving him to bleed out and eventually die.
Catherine returns to Vladivostok with Agent 32, but leaves the CSO as soon as she is welcomed back. 32 is shunned for the inefficiency in which the attack was carried out, as it resulted in the deaths of 14 agents and drew a massive amount of attention that the CSO didn't need. In response, 32 steps down from his head position, but continues his work as a regular agent.
Catherine, conflicting with her own beliefs and the new thoughts Liam put into her head, comes to reason with herself and attempts to start anew. With the help of the CSO, she erases her name and moves out of Vladivostok, moving back to San Francisco with a clean slate as a nobody.