All supernatural characters. This concerns monsters, demons, mutants, aliens, sorcerers, the mythological, etc.
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All items (588)
- Abigail Creed
- Adam
- Adam (Wolfindam)
- Administrator
- Aebomination
- Aengel
- Aero
- Aether The First Female Element
- African Lionman
- Agonus The Two-Headed Monster
- Aidan Radarceon
- Akane Kurusu
- Akano
- Albert
- Alexandra Geokinesisa Green
- Alexandra of Arendelle
- Alice Bloodheart
- Aliz The Female Character
- Alora Ives
- Alphaversal Humans
- Amanda Moscati
- Amano Himeno
- Amarok The Fenrir Kaiju
- Amogus
- Amolos The Amphibious Destroyer
- Amunet The Spirit Guider
- Anastassia Nikitina
- Andrew Izatu
- Andromeda March
- Andy
- Andy The Angel Of Death
- Angela Louise Vitale
- Angelique Grace Vitale
- Anna Engel
- Anna Seryozha Trunkkolva
- Anul The Manifestation
- Ao The Villainous Ghost
- Apollo Diaz
- Apophis The Chaos Serpent
- Aquamarina Aquakinesisa Aqua
- Aquarius
- Arashi (Corrupted World)
- Arch The Lost Angel
- Arisuko Kazake
- Ark Cipher
- Aro
- Arthur Kiyoshi Arsenault
- Arthur Kjell-Cypher
- Articlon The Unknown Kaiju
- Asp
- Astaroth The Servant Demon
- Atlantyde
- August Animo
- Augustine
- Aurora The Healing Goddess
- Ausa Phommavong
- Autumn
- Ayumi Homura
- Barak The Destroyer
- Beast The Indestructible Monster
- Beckett Vivianite
- Behemoth The Chief Of Ways Of God
- Belial The Dark Being
- Belle Le Clerc
- Bigley
- Blaze The Fireball
- Blessing
- Blitzfire
- Blood Bath
- Blue Demon
- Bolt The Sparkball
- Breeze Sterling
- Brian Bastion
- Bruce The Sea Explorer
- Bryan Bubio
- Brynn Trailanna
- Bubblegum-Girl
- Caitlynn-X
- Calamora The Apex Sea Predator
- Cara-Mel
- Caroline the Rocker Queen of Hearts
- Cavri Giant Clan
- Celeste The Cloud
- Cephalopod Humanoids
- Charlotte Wilson
- Chelsea Miles
- Chizue Yukikumo
- Choi Hei-Ran
- Cinderel
- Cinnamon
- Circle Carl
- Claudia Miyadro
- Coffee
- Colossal Yeti
- Compound 73A-SU3
- Connor Legendscribe
- Cookies
- Cooler-Kid
- Copycat
- Coral The Female Slime
- Corycia The Savior Of Life
- COVID-19
- Cro Vallais
- Crush Rabbit Monster
- Crystal the Gypsy Beauty
- Dagon The Peaceful Kaiju Native
- Daku The Shadowball
- Damien Rimba
- Damy
- Damy (PokΓ©mon)
- Damy (Undertale)
- Daniel Rimba
- Danisha Rimba
- Dark Shadow Master
- Darknah The Dark Entity
- Dawn Ravendusk
- Dea
- Deren
- Dez The Stick Figure
- Diamond
- Diane Noemane S. Algrounds
- Diran
- Dirty Annika
- Dist
- Doomking
- Dr. June Wade, Ph.D
- Draconis Plumeis
- Dracorus The Golden Dragon
- Drift
- Drip The Goo Creature
- Droplet The Water Droplet
- Dryad The Nature Himself
- Eleanor The Elf
- Ember Riddle
- Emma (The Apprentice of Death)
- Emperor Satan
- Erwan Schmidt or (Erwan "The Spaghetti Boi")
- Evangeline Blythburg
- Evergreen Elves
- Evil Matador