Blitzfire, real name "K'horra", is a Teen Titans fancharacter and a Tamaranean, created by Awsomerayd.
K'horra is Starfire's and Black fire's's other sister from their home planet of Tamaran. After hearing word that Starfire is on Earth and working with the Teen Titans. Blitz fire flew down to see her sister and meet her friends. She landed in Jump City and went to Teen Titan headquarters where she met Robin,Beast Boy ,Raven and Cyborg. She has crush on beast boy which raven doesn't like since is beast boy's girlfriend. Starfire helped Blitzfire get use to the customs of earth and the lingo. She kissed beast boy to be able learn English.
Blitizfire is a sweet girl who is friendly and fun loving. She much like Starfire is curious ad bit naive. She is brave and loyal.
Blitzfire like the rest of her species is tall and slender with pale orange skin and long reddish orange hair and greenish eyes. She wears similar outfit to Starfire a purple armor top with matching skirt and boots
Powers and Abilities
Tamaranean Physiolgy of Blitzfire abilities are native her extraterrestrial species of Tamaranean .While outwardly humanoid looking she has several biological differences like having nine stomachs, reddish hair and pale orange colored skin. All her abilities are tied to her emotional state and generally can only be triggered when a specific emotion is focused on.
- Ultraviolet energy projection:As result of being experimented on Blitizfire can project incredibility bright, orange-colored energy from her hands activated by righteous fury. Her energy attacks produce both thermal energy and highly explosive results on contact. She can augment the effectiveness of her punches by surrounding her hands in energy, and she can also use this method to weld or carefully burn through obstacles with contact from her hands. A chiming sound is heard when using her star bolts.
- Star Bolts:Blitzfire mainly discharges circular bolts of pure radioactive energy, which are usually launched as thrown circular projectiles.
- Light Generation: Blitzfire can use her powers to illuminate a dark area.
- Star Bolt waves: Blitzfire can emit the energy in waves from her hands.
- Star Bolt Shields:She can create strong defense barrios around herself.
- Star Blasts:She is able shoot her energy in the form of powerful blasts.
- Faster than light Flight:By feeling unbridled joy she can fly at super speed