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Behemoth is the biggest of all Kaiju, Created by Magmastone808.

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Who Is He?

Behemoth is a gigantic and enormous Kaiju better known as the biggest of all Kaijus. He is a peaceful Kaiju and not a city destroying monster but just a calmed giant. He is creature mentioned in the Bible, mentioned with The Leviathan and Ziz. Behemoth is a giant sauropod with some spikes from to his head and his tail sways like a cedar. he also has horns just like a Triceratops. His skin is more likely faded green and his eyes are yellow. It is now known that his height is 500 ft tall and his weight is 11,000 tons!

What’s The Story?

Behemoth has an unknown origin but more likely his entrance to the world is that he falls from the sky looking celestial as more of the organization they believed that the Behemoth is more likely sent from the Heavens in to the Earth, believing that God exist but is more obviously unknown yet. But there is proof to back it up. In his presence on Earth, Behemoth was in Tokyo, Japan roaming in the city, but not destroying or attacking but more likely laying down, and just having a nap on a city. The people there were confused and more likely been in careful so that maybe he can attack but when his nap ended he walked away to a forest and wandered into wildlife.

Behemoth was in Jerusalem, Israel were he met his counterpart the Leviathan and the Ziz they met and then battled but then in the middle the Ziz tried to stop the Behemoth and the Leviathan from battling in the city of Jerusalem and the three of them wandered in the opposite directions. Later, Behemoth was laying down in Chocolate Hills, Philippines were he met other wild stock and animals and just took a nap in peace.



As known, the Behemoth is strong and with a mighty strength he can produce earthquakes.

Special Roar

As known in some articles, when the Behemoth roars every animal will calm down and not be ferocious more likely they will come in fear.

Tail Whip

The Behemoth’s tail is really really strong and can easily make a Kaiju fling in the air with ease.

