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Original Characters Wiki
Bill cipher 3

Ark Cipher is a Gravity Falls fancharacter and a triangular-shaped dream demon, created by Bluewindbag on November 3, 2017‎.

He fully mirrors and is related to the canon character, Bill Cipher, and also formerly only existed in the mindscape of those who wished to gain access to the real world. He was trapped there for sixty million years.

Ark is infamous in one hundred thousand dimensions for dethroning one of the five Omnipotent Kings, Alkhema.

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Millions of years prior, Ark Cipher originated from the second dimension where Bill also came from. Bill "liberated" that dimension by plunging it into burning chaos, along with everyone he'd ever known, including his own parents.
Bill eventually took over a boiling, shifting intergalactic foam between dimensions: a lawless, unstable crawlspace known as the Nightmare Realm. However, due to the Nightmare Realm's lawlessness and lack of any consistent physics or rules, it was fated to collapse into itself eventually .
