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β€œ I want to tell you before I go. Life lasts for a short time. Admire everyone you hold dear now, for one day those things may be gone. ”

β€” Osix

06 "Osix" Warper was a genderless soul creature hailing from the space between worlds, created by DualBlade25 (aka Jammo).

After an incident involving a vortex, they were ripped from their home realm and thrust into the physical one. Here, during their many travels, they took on a slew of different forms.

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Pre-Intrepid encounter

The space between universes can be scary. Nothing but darkness and ebony voids. As it turns out, this is where the souls of the deceased go to rest before entering back into a newly born child, forgetting their previous life. During their time between worlds, Osix was just 1 of many souls waiting to renter life circulation. Some souls were lucky to go quite soon. Unfortunately, Osix hadn't after 75 years. Not knowing any of the other soul, they were ostracized from the rest of the souls groups. With nothing else much to do, it chose it was better off to venture into the vast vacuum of nothingness out there.

One day, while drifting through the nothingness, they came across a stunning array of bright lights. Having no contact for what seemed liked decades, it rushed right over. Little did it realize that this was in fact a vortex. Being too powerful for the gaseous being to escape, Osix was pulled right in, and dumped off somewhere random in the multiverse.

The nameless Osix woke up in a dystopian factory, hidden underground. Not having much time to react to what was even happening, a large mining cart drove right their way. With not even a second to react, the small, cold, damaged body they found themself stuck in was sent hurtling, and slipping down a crack. There was a long drop, and eventually Osix landed next to a bunch of identical looking creatures, all obscuring their faces with masks, goggles and zen-like hats.Osix felt something peculiar situated in their pocket pouch on the dungarees they wore, and pulled out a strange light blue rod. Feeling the stitching on their clothes pierce their flesh, Osix crawled over to the group. A shadowy figure emerged, and whipped the disgruntled Osix into shape, sending it and the other identical looking munchkin-sized slaves further into the mine.

For a few days, Osix was stuck in this mine, hacking away with a pickaxe, having no clue who they were, how they got here, or why they were here. During those gruelling days of endless agony, Osix became rather familiar with one of the inmates. Their name tag number was #070320, but insisted on Osix calling it Oseven. It took note of Osix's number tag being #060516 and decided to shorten it down to Osix. They liked this abbreviation so much, that this was the name Osix chose during their time in the physical realm. Spending the night in a cell, the pair bonded some more, telling the other stories. Oseven was very intrigued in Osix's past, half-not believing it was true! Osix showed Oseven their rod to prove this, and Oseven was in awe. Somethnig so foreign, their eyes had never bared witness to. Oseven told Osix that they could offer that to the bosses as a trade piece for freedom, which was an idea Osix kept in mind.

The next day, Osix asked Oseven to come with them. They were doing just as Oseven had mentioned the night previous. Once there, the pair were both laughed at, and were sentenced to be melted down. In a pinch, Osix quickly tossedthe rod to Oseven, and told them to run. Being closer to these leaders, there was little chance this small little body could carry them down fast enough. Especially not being accustomd to it like Oseven was. As soon as it was caught by its friend, it began to glow on the little ball at the end. Oseven did not want to leave Osix to be carried off by this hulking beast to the melting factory.

Oseven hastily used this rod to save Osix, pointing and pressing the button on it. They figured it may do something, much like the weapons it witnessd their last roomate took to the face. And sure enough, it did. Osix saw a familiar looking vortex emerge, sucking in the huge lackey, allowing Osix to just manage freeing themself. However, the suck was quite strong, and Osix couldn't stand in front of it for too long before also getting pulled in. Oseven tried rushing in, throwing the rod to Osix. Osix caught it, but unfortunately, the vortex closed before Oseven could enter.


  • Osix was created for various roleplays, as a sort of be-all-end-all key to be used in any scenario.
  • The longest form Osix stayed in was their 6th body, female, where they/she remained that way for 29 days.
    • The shortest form Osix took was their 2nd body, male, where they/he was only in it for 2 days.
  • Osix will appear as a playable character in Bally Boys' planned video game.